Types of Tests

There are two types of tests in Eclipse Phase: success and opposed.

Success Tests

Success tests are the most common type of test. Use them whenever your character acts without direct opposition. Most skill tests, rep network tests, and aptitude checks are handled as success tests and require a quick or complex action to complete.

Success tests are described under Making Tests.

Trying Again

If you fail a test, you may try again, but with a cumulative −10 modifier. So your first re-try will be at −10, your second at −20, your third at −30, and so on. In some cases, the GM may rule that re-attempts are not possible, such as situations where you have only one chance to succeed before circumstances change.

Opposed Tests

Opposed tests are called for when you are directly opposed by an NPC or other force. Negotiating, arm-wrestling, pickpocketing, and combat are all examples of opposed tests. Opposed tests are more difficult — you must not only succeed but also beat your opponent.

When making an opposed test, both sides make a test as described above. Modifiers are applied to whichever side gains an advantage (a negotiation where one party has inside information) or to both sides if equally affected (two runners competing on a slippery surface).

  • If one opponent succeeds and the other fails, the successful one wins the contest.
  • If both sides roll under their target number, whomever rolls highest wins and succeeds. The other either fails or succeeds but loses.
  • If both sides tie or fail, either the opponents remain deadlocked or the highest roll or skill wins and succeeds (GM’s choice).

Critical successes trump high rolls on opposed tests. If both sides succeed, but the lower roller gets a critical, they pull an upset victory from the clutches of defeat. If both opponents roll critical successes, the higher roll (or skill if tied) wins with a critical, the loser fails or succeeds but loses.