Healing & Repair

Use the follow rules for healing and repairing characters.

Biomorph Healing

Thanks to biomods, most biomorphs naturally heal at an accelerated rate. Advanced technologies such as medichines and healing spray or the skills of a trained professional can increase this even further. Healing vats will heal even the most grievous wounds in a matter of days and can even restore characters who recently died or have been reduced to just a head.

First Aid

Use Medicine: Paramedic to apply medical care to an injured character. This is a task action with a timeframe of 10 minutes plus 10 minutes per wound and requires a medical tool kit. If successful, remove 1 wound and 1d10 points of damage, +1d6 per superior success. This test must be made within 24 hours of the injury, and any particular set of injuries can only be treated once (so if you have more than one wound, only one can be healed). If the character is later injured again, however, this new damage can also be treated separately. Medical care of this sort is not effective against injuries already treated with first aid, medichines, meds, healing spray, or healing vats. A critical failure inflicts DV 1d10.


The rate at which you heal depends on the technology at your disposal, as indicated on the Healing/Repair table. All damage must be healed first, before wounds. Boosted healing from a technological source (such as meds or healing spray) is cumulative with that of your morph. For example, a morph with biomods that applied healing spray would heal 1d10 an hour for 12 hours and another 1d10 after 12 hours. However, you cannot benefit from more than one source of technologically aided healing at a time; use the fastest rate applicable. Recovery assumes decent conditions and a reasonable amount of rest. Particularly poor conditions — bad food, poor shelter, not enough rest — may double healing times. Harsh conditions — insufficient food, strenuous activity, extreme environments — will triple healing times.

Critical Care

Some circumstances call for critical care: surgery, limb regeneration, or even the revivification of a recently deceased biomorph.

Surgery: If the GM rules a medical condition requires surgical intervention, whether by a trained transhuman or medical bot, use Medicine: Biotech. This is a task action, with a timeframe determined by the GM (usually 1–4 hours). No damage or wounds can be healed until the surgery is successful.

Regeneration: Transhumans with biomods will regrow severed parts over time. An ear or finger will take a week, an arm or leg a full month. Healing vats greatly accelerate this process to somewhere between 4 hours (ear/finger) and 2 days (full limb), and can even restore a full body from just a head (1 month).

Revivification: Recently deceased biomorphs can be placed in medical stasis with a medical kit and a Medicine: Paramedic (10 minutes) task action. An equipped medical specialist can revive the person as long as they are treated within 24 hours of death or being removed from stasis. This requires a medical kit and a Medicine: Paramedic task action with a timeframe of 1 hour, +1 per wound. Revived characters are healed to 1 point below their Death Rating. A healing vat will also do the job, with a timeframe of 1 day.

Synthmorph/Object Repair

Most synthmorphs and objects do not heal on their own and must be repaired. Some are equipped with self-repair systems that function the same as medichines. Fixer swarms can repair damage and wounds the same as meds. Synthmorphs and objects can also be repaired in a nanofabrication machine with the appropriate blueprints; treat this the same as a healing vat. Synthmorphs can only benefit from one repair source at a time; use the fastest rate applicable.

Physical Repair: Manually repairing a synthmorph or object requires a Hardware Test using a field appropriate to the item (Hardware: Robotics for synthmorphs and bots, Hardware: Aerospace for aircraft, etc.) and a tool kit. Repair is a task action with a timeframe of 1 hour per 5 points of damage being restored, plus 8 hours per wound. Once completed, it is fully repaired. Apply appropriate modifiers based on conditions and available tools.


First AidDamage HealedTimeframe
Medicine: Paramedic1 wound, 1d10 [6] damage +1d6 per superior success10 minutes + 10 per wound
RecoveryDamage Healing RateWound Healing RateEffect Duration
Morph without Biomods1d10 [6] per day1 per week
Morph with Biomods1d10 [6] per 12 hours1 per 3 days
Medichines1d10 [6] per hour1 per day
Meds1d10 [6] per hour1 per day1 day
Fixers1d10 [6] per hour1 per day5 days
Healing Spray/Repair Spray1d10 [6] per hour12 hours
Healing Vat/Nanofabber2d10 [11] per hour1 per 2 hours
Poor Conditionsx2x2
Harsh Conditionsx3x3
Physical RepairTimeframe
Hardware: Robotics, etc.1 hour per 5 damage + 8 hours per wound