Exsurgent Psi

Many exsurgents acquire the Psi trait during their transformation. These exsurgents also gain access to a third level of psi ability (beyond psi-chi and psi-gamma) called psi-epsilon. Psi-epsilon enables a level of interaction with the underlying physics of reality that is beyond the comprehension of transhuman science.

Exsurgents do not need to make Infection Tests when using psi — the infection is already in full control. However, the use of exsurgent psi tends to have small but noticeable effects on the surrounding environment: minor radio interference, sucking the warmth out of the air, killing the lights, withering plants, draining power from nearby electronics, killing small creatures or insects, lowering air pressure, and so on.

Exsurgent Synthmorphs & Psi

Exsurgents in synthetic morphs that were transformed via nanoplague may use psi, despite lacking a biological brain. Through some unknown mechanism, the infecting nanobots are able to simulate a biological brain’s effects. This feature, however, also makes them vulnerable to psi use by others.

Pushing Exsurgent Psi

Exsurgents may spend a point of Threat Pool (or Moxie, if they are a major NPC) to push a sleight.

Psi-Epsilon Sleights

These sleights are available to exsurgents with the Level 3 Psi trait.

Some of these sleights affect the underlying physical nature of the universe, creating localized reality-altering effects. Psi manipulation on this level is extremely powerful, so GMs should deploy it carefully, only providing it to powerful adversaries and for appropriately dramatic situations. Such psi is also extremely dangerous, and so has the potential for disastrous consequences should things go wrong.

Though rules are provided for each sleight, GMs should alter these as they see fit. Their intent is to be more cinematic than mechanical, so GMs should wing rules effects as needed. This is an open opportunity to create nightmarish monsters from beyond with frightening reality-ripping and mind-scarring abilities.

Observing psi-epsilon sleights may trigger a Stress Test.

PSI-EPSILON SLEIGHTActionDurationDescription
Anti-Electronics FieldComplexSustainedAll electronics within Close range lose power.
Basilisk AuraComplexSustainedIncapacitator basilisk hack.
Casimir Force RepulsionComplexSustainedLevitate self or objects.
CryokinesisComplexSustainedDrains heat around target; DV 4d10 per minute.
DecerebrationComplexSustainedTarget immobilized, unable to act.
DiffusionComplexSustainedDiffuse light/radio within Close range, reduce range/DV by half.
Kinetic FrictionComplexSustainedIncreases friction within Close range, halve kinetic DV.
Negative RefractionComplexSustainedInvisibility.
PuppeteerComplexSustainedControl target like jammed drone.
PyrokinesisComplexSustainedRaises heat around target; DV 1d10 per action turn, pain.
Strip MemoryComplexDaysRemoves target memories.

Anti-Electronics Field

All electronics within Close range (10 meters) of the exsurgent mysteriously fail as if electrical power is drained away. This effectively disables synthmorphs and pods and leaves you without access to your devices or implants.

Basilisk Aura

An aura of light and sound emits from the exsurgent, acting as an incapacitator basilisk hack.

Casimir Force Repulsion

This sleight exploits the Casimir effect (an interaction between the electromagnetic fields of different objects) on a macro-scale, allowing the exsurgent to levitate themself or other objects by creating repulsing fields. This could also allow the exsurgent to push targets away, pin them against walls, etc. Use SOM Checks to resist this pressure, opposed by the exsurgent’s WIL Check.


The exsurgent drains all heat around a target object or person. The temperature drops 50 degrees K per action turn down to near absolute zero (usually taking ~6 action turns). At extremely low temperatures, gases turn to liquids, liquids freeze and turn to solids, and exotic states of matters appear, such as frictionless fluids. Some items become brittle or may burst and shatter. Electronics may fail (GM discretion). When exposed to such extreme cold, you take DV 4d10 per minute (halved with cryogenic protection, armor does not protect).


This sleight suppresses signals passing through your brain stem. This cuts off cerebral functions and motor activity and triggers decerebrate rigidity, where your body tenses and your limbs extend out to their maximum reach. You are physically immobilized and unable to take mental/mesh actions for the duration. This sleight only affects biomorphs and other biological creatures.


This sleight diffuses light, laser, microwave, radio, and particle beams. This hinders communication (reduce range by half) and vision/sensors (−30). It also impairs beam weapons, reducing their DV by half (−25% per superior success) and negating other effects such as shock. Any light or beam passing within Close range (10 meters) is affected.

Kinetic Friction

The exsurgent increases the friction of kinetic actions within Close range (10 meters). This has a negligible effect on most activities, but climbing is easier (+30) and high-velocity projectiles like firearms and railguns are significantly slowed, decreasing their DV by half (−25% per superior success).

Negative Refraction

The exsurgent redirects electromagnetic waves, refracting them around their body or another person or object, with the same effect as an invisibility cloak.


The exsurgent seizes control of your body, operating it like a jammed drone. You are helpless while the exsurgent maintains control, possibly triggering a Stress Test. The exsurgent does not have access to your memories or skills.


The exsurgent rapidly accelerates the molecules and focuses heat around a specific object or person. This causes solids to liquefy and melt, liquids to evaporate into gas, and matter to smolder and ignite. Electronics may overheat and fail (GM discretion). You suffer DV 1d10 per action turn (thermogenic protection halves the damage, but armor does not protect) and suffer from a pain effect. Fire from clothing or items set aflame may spread to the surroundings.

Strip Memory

The exsurgent suppresses certain memories in your mind. This can be used to block memories of certain events (up to ~WIL hours) or of specific concepts or things (GM discretion). For example, it could be used to wipe your memory of an important clandestine meeting or to make you forget everything you have learned about a TITAN artifact, including even hearing about it in the first place. The process is not exact, and so the memories may not be fully suppressed and/or related memories may also be blocked.