
Most synthmorph designs were originally intended to be robots, piloted by ALIs. Robot forms are optimized to suit their function, and so a wide variety of body plans exist. Robots designed to interact with transhumans often have biped or quadruped walker frames, to better navigate transhuman dwellings and spaces, but were often distinctly non-human in appearance. Many feature a sort of symbolic “face,” to give transhumans something to look at and interact with, but these were rarely realistic, so as to avoid uncanny-valley creepiness.

Since the Fall, more synthmorphs have been designed specifically for transhuman egos, as they are cheaper and quicker to make than biomorphs. Without specialized robotic functions in mind, many of these synthmorph designs feature anthropomorphic frames (androids and gynoids) specifically tailored for egos used to human forms, including heads and distinctive (though still non-realistic) faces. As transhumanity grows accustomed to synthmorphs and more creative, however, innovative and unusual synthmorph designs become more common-place.

Synthmorph Characteristics

Synthmorphs — as well as bots, vehicles, and similar shells — share the following capabilities:

Lack of Biological Functions

Shells need not be bothered with trivialities like breathing, eating, defecating, aging, or any similar critical aspects of biological life. They do not need to sleep, but a few hours rest is common (and necessary to recharge pools). They are also immune to toxins and pathogens. Synthmorphs are powered by nuclear and standard batteries, and sometimes solar power; for game purposes, power is not an issue for them.

Pain Filter

Synthmorphs can filter out their pain receptors so that they are unhampered by wounds or physical damage. This allows them to ignore the −10 modifier from 1 wound (Wound Effects), but they suffer −30 on any tactile-based Perceive Tests and will not even notice they have been damaged unless they succeed in a (modified) Perceive Test.

Immunity to Shock

Synthmorphs have no nervous system to disrupt, and their optical electronics are carefully shielded from interference. Shock attacks temporarily disrupt wireless radio communications, impeding all mesh actions until the end of the next action turn.

Environmental Durability

Synthmorphs are built to withstand a wide range of environments, from dusty Mars to the oceans of Europa to the vacuum of space. They are unaffected by any but the most extreme temperatures and atmospheric pressures. Treat as cold tolerance and vacuum sealing.


Synthetic shells are made to last — a fact reflected in their higher Durability and built-in Armor ratings. Their composition also makes their physical strikes more damaging; unarmed strikes by shells inflict DV 2d6.


Cases are mass-produced robotic shells, an affordable resleeving option for the poor, though of notoriously poor quality. They are available in many varieties to suit a client’s taste. Most case morphs are anthropomorphic, with a thin framework body standing just shorter than an average human.


  • Cost: 0 MP • Avail: 100

  • WT: 5 • DUR: 25 • DR: 50
  • Insight 0, Moxie 0, Vigor 0, Flex 0

  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/12
  • Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1), Inherent Flaws
  • Notes: Light Frame (Armor 6/4)


Spares are small, portable shells designed as a temporary replacement sleeve should your primary morph be killed/destroyed. They are common gear for gatecrashing missions. Packed as a flat 15-centimeter disc, when activated they pop into a six-limbed spherical shape. Just plug your original cortical stack in and you are ready to go. Built-in stress-management systems help survivors handle the trauma of their recent death.


  • Cost: 0 MP • Avail: 80

  • WT: 3 • DUR: 15 • DR: 30
  • Insight 0, Moxie 1, Vigor 0, Flex 0

  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/12
  • Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack (optional), Cyberbrain, Grip Pads, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock, Skinlink, Stress Control
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
  • Notes: Light Frame (Armor 6/4), Small size


The dragonfly takes the shape of a meter-long flexible shell with eight wings, four manipulator limbs, and a prehensile tail. Capable of near-silent flight in Earth gravity, dragonfly bots fare even better in microgravity. Their wings operate independently and can rotate, allowing for graceful maneuvering, hovering, and tight turns.


  • Cost: 1 MP • Avail: 70

  • WT: 5 • DUR: 25 • DR: 50
  • Insight 1, Moxie 0, Vigor 1, Flex 0

  • Movement Rate: Walker 2/8, Winged 8/32
  • Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock, Prehensile Tail, Radar, Wings
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
  • Notes: Light Frame (Armor 6/4), Small size


Swarmanoids are swarms composed of hundreds of insect-sized microbots. Each individual “bug” is capable of crawling, rolling, hopping several meters, or using nanocopter fan blades for airlift. The cyberbrain, cortical stack, and sensor systems are distributed throughout the swarm. Though the swarm can “meld” together into various loose shapes, it is incapable of physical tasks like grabbing, lifting, or holding. Individual bots are linked by radio and laser and are quite capable of interfacing with electronics. Swarmanoids follow swarm rules.


  • Cost: 3 MP • Avail: 60

  • WT: — • DUR: 50 • DR: 100
  • Insight 2, Moxie 0, Vigor 0, Flex 0

  • Movement Rate: Hopper 4/12, Rotor 4/20, Walker 2/8
  • Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
  • Notes: Swarm Attack (DV 1d6, ignores armor, blinding), comes with specialized swarmanoid hive


Synths are even more humanoid than cases and of better quality. They are commonly deployed for labor-intensive tasks in environments not suited for biomorphs or for people who need a body quickly and cheaply or simply on a transient basis. Most designs are anthropomorphic, though various alternatives exist, including some based on uplift physiology.


  • Cost: 3 MP • Avail: 80

  • WT: 8 • DUR: 40 • DR: 80
  • Insight 0, Moxie 0, Vigor 1, Flex 1

  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
  • Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1)
  • Notes: Light Frame (Armor 6/4)


Developed by brinker hardware hackers, savants feature neural-state enhancements that make them appealing to engineers, scientists, and intellectuals.


  • Cost: 4 MP • Avail: 50

  • WT: 7 • DUR: 35 • DR: 70
  • Insight 3, Moxie 0, Vigor 1, Flex 1

  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
  • Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1)
  • Notes: Light Frame (Armor 6/4)


This high-end shell was designed to increase the appeal and social acceptance of synthmorphs. Galateas look expensive and their mental architecture is crafted to enhance the wearer’s personality and charm. Though many media icons have embraced this morph’s novelty, biochauvinists still view it as a monstrosity.


  • Cost: 5 MP • Avail: 50

  • WT: 8 • DUR: 40 • DR: 80
  • Insight 1, Moxie 2, Vigor 1, Flex 1

  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
  • Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Chameleon Skin, Cyberbrain, Enhanced Hearing, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1)
  • Notes: Light Frame (Armor 6/4)


Slitheroid shells take the form of a humanoid torso with retractable arms atop a 2-meter-long segmented metallic snake. Slitheroids use lateral undulation to move, though they can also pull themselves along by their arms or coil, twist, and roll their bodies like a ball or hoop.


  • Cost: 5 MP • Avail: 50

  • WT: 9 • DUR: 45 • DR: 90
  • Insight 0, Moxie 1, Vigor 3, Flex 0

  • Movement Rate: Roller 8/32, Snake 4/12
  • Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Enhanced Vision, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock, Retracting Limbs
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 2)
  • Notes: Medium Frame (Armor 8/6)

Steel Morph

Like the galatea, this upscale shell was designed to counter biochauvinist attitudes and make synthmorphs more appealing. Where the galatea is optimized for social interaction, steel morphs provide enhanced physical capabilities for both work and recreation.

Steel Morph

  • Cost: 5 MP • Avail: 50

  • WT: 8 • DUR: 40 • DR: 80
  • Insight 0, Moxie 1, Vigor 3, Flex 1

  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
  • Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1)
  • Notes: Medium Frame (Armor 8/6)


Arachnoid shells mimic the shapes of spiders, termites, ants, beetles, and other arthropods. Three or four sets of pneumatic limbs are capable of rotating around their meter-long torso, and an additional set of manipulator arms near the head enables fine manipulation and tool use. Arachnoids move by walking, hopping, extending omnidirectional mini-wheels for skating movement, or by retracting their limbs and maneuvering with vectored-air thrusters in microgravity.


  • Cost: 6 MP • Avail: 40

  • WT: 11 • DUR: 55 • DR: 110
  • Insight 1, Moxie 0, Vigor 3, Flex 0

  • Movement Rate: Hopper 4/12, Thrust Vector (Gas Jet) 8/40, Walker 4/20, Wheeled 8/40
  • Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Lidar, Magnetic System, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Pneumatics, Puppet Sock, Retracting Limbs
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
  • Notes: Medium Frame (Armor 8/6)


The reaper is a combat morph in the form of an armored disc, so that it can turn and present a thin profile to an enemy. Four legs/manipulating arms and four weapon pods are folded inside its frame. It uses vector-thrust nozzles to maneuver in microgravity and also takes advantage of an ionic drive for fast movement over distance. Reapers are infamous due to military sims and Fall XPs; bringing one into most habitats will undoubtedly raise eyebrows if not get you arrested.


  • Cost: 12 MP • Avail: 10

  • WT: 12 • DUR: 60 • DR: 120
  • Insight 1, Moxie 0, Vigor 6, Flex 1

  • Movement Rate: Hopper 4/20, Ionic 8/40, Thrust Vector (Gas Jet) 8/40, Walker 4/20
  • Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Anti-Glare, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Enhanced Vision, Magnetic System, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Pneumatics, Puppet Sock, Radar, Retracting Limbs, T-Ray Emitter, Weapon Mount (Articulated, 4)
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
  • Notes: Heavy Frame (Armor 12/10)


Flexbots are modular and customizable, each composed of one or more modules that interlock in various shapes and configurations. Individual modules are specialized towards specific functions and also capable of transforming into a variety of shapes and mechanisms. They have 4 limbs in their default configurations. Independent modules are only the size of a large dog, but multiple flexbots can join together for larger mass operations, even taking on heavy-duty tasks such as demolition, excavation, manufacturing, construction, or robotics assembly. Flexbots can also incorporate any robot with Modular Design ware as modules.

Flexbot Rules

Each flexbot is considered a single entity for rules purposes, no matter how many modules it has. Though the full range of flexbot possibilities is beyond the scope of this book, apply the following rules and keep an eye on past and future Eclipse Phase supplements:

  • Choose one module to hold the ego — this module controls the others.
  • (Dis)connecting a module is a complex action and requires an Integration Test. Modules not physically connected are handled as remote operation.
  • When modules are combined, use their combined pools.
  • Modules must all be using the same mobility system or Movement Rate is halved.
  • A flexbot with 3–4 modules is medium-sized; 5–9 large; 10 or more very large.
  • A flexbot’s Armor Value equals the average of its modules’ AVs.
  • A flexbot’s DUR equals the combined DUR of its modules.
  • Wound Threshold equals DUR ÷ 5 and Death Rating equals DUR × 2.
  • Damage is applied evenly among modules. If a detached module has damage exceeding its Wound Threshold, a wound can be assigned to it. Distinct modules can be targeted with called shots.
  • Robots of varying sizes may be integrated as modules. Small bots count as full modules. Treat 5 very small bots as 1 module; only apply a pool bonus (equal to one bot’s pools) if there are at least five of the same type. A medium bot counts as 3 modules, a large bot as 5 modules, and a very large bot as 10 modules. Average their AV scores (taking into account the bots count as multiple modules) and combine DUR as defined above.
  • Bonuses from some traits and ware only apply if every module in the flexbot has them (e.g., chameleon skin); use common sense.

All Flexbots

All flexbots have the following stats, plus the stats for their module type:

All Flexbots

  • Movement Rate: Thrust Vector (Gas Jet) 8/40, Walker 4/12
  • Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Modular Design, Puppet Sock, Shape Adjusting
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
  • Notes: Light Frame (Armor 6/4), Small size

Crafter Module

Crafters are engineer modules, specialized in construction and fabrication.

Crafter Module

  • Cost: 2 MP • Avail: 60

  • WT: 4 • DUR: 20 • DR: 40
  • Insight 1, Moxie 0, Vigor 0, Flex 0

  • Ware: Engineer Swarm Hive, Fixer Swarm Hive
  • Common Shape Adjustments: Enhanced Vision, Disassembly Tools, Fractal Digits, Nanoscopic Vision, Tool Kit, T-Ray Emitter, and Utilitool

Fighter Module

These modules are combat-oriented.

Fighter Module

  • Cost: 3 MP • Avail: 60

  • WT: 6 • DUR: 30 • DR: 60
  • Insight 0, Moxie 0, Vigor 1, Flex 0

  • Ware: Pneumatics, Weapon Mount (2)
  • Common Shape Adjustments: Enhanced Vision, Light Combat Armor, Radar, T-Ray Emitter, and ranged weapons

Rogue Module

Rogues are optimized for stealth and covert activities.

Rogue Module

  • Cost: 2 MP • Avail: 60

  • WT: 4 • DUR: 20 • DR: 40
  • Insight 0, Moxie 0, Vigor 1, Flex 0

  • Ware: Chameleon Skin, Radar Absorbent
  • Common Shape Adjustments: Dazzler, Enhanced Vision, Fiber Eye, Fractal Digits, Magnetic System, Nanoscopic Vision, T-Ray Emitter, Weapon Mount

Wizard Module

Wizard modules specialize in infosec and communications tasks.

Wizard Module

  • Cost: 2 MP • Avail: 60

  • WT: 4 • DUR: 20 • DR: 40
  • Insight 1, Moxie 0, Vigor 0, Flex 0

  • Ware: Radio Booster, Sniffer App, Tracker App
  • Common Shape Adjustments: Electrical Sense, Enhanced Vision, Laser Link, Nanodetector, Skinlink, Utilitool