Step 7: Pre-Fall Life Event

Next we see what major event impacted your life before the Fall.

Roll once on the 7.0 Pre-Fall Event table, apply the results, and then proceed to Step 8.


For younger characters, this step represents only a handful of years immediately before the Fall. For older characters, this stage covers decades of time before the Fall.

7.0 Pre-Fall Event [d100]

00–19Gain +1 ego Flex and roll on the Story Event table.
20You travel extensively. Learn an additional language (your choice or roll randomly).
21–23You experiment with a new body. Roll on the Random Morph tables, but ignore pods.
24–25An unfortunate accident ends your life. Roll on the Random Morph tables, but ignore pods and uplifts.
26–27You simply are not very comfortable with this whole resleeving thing. Gain the Morphing Disorder (Level 2) trait (EP2).
28–29You are a slacker. −10 to one skill of your choice.
30–31You commit or experience something so terrible, you purge it from your mind. Gain the Edited Memories trait (EP2).
32You take up a sport. +10 to Athletics skill.
33–34You drop out of school to work. −10 to two skills of your choice but gain the Resources (Level 1) trait.
35–36You mess up and your career hopes are dashed. −10 to either c-rep or r-rep and gain the motivation −Hypercorps.
37You pick up a new hobby. +20 to one Know skill with an Arts or Interests field (EP2) of your choice.
38–39You take some risks and things do not go your way. Lose 1 level of Resources trait (if you lack Resources, −10 to one rep score of your choice).
40You travel extensively in Earth’s remaining wilderness. +10 Survival skill.
41–42Your work requires you to change your morph. Roll on the Random Morph tables, but re-roll pods and uplifts.
43You educate yourself to get ahead. +10 to one Know skill with an Academics or Professional Training field (EP2) of your choice.
44–48You become entwined in extralegal affairs. Roll once on the Crime Event table, then proceed to Step 8.
49You are accused of being a snitch. −10 to either @-rep or g-rep.
50Something goes seriously glitchy with your muse and you are nearly hurt. Gain the Mental Disorder (Phobia: Muse) trait (also on Disorders, EP2).
51You are a pioneer in the practice of egocasting. Gain the Ego Plasticity (Level 1: Merging) trait and roll on the Random Morph tables.
52–53You piss off someone with a lot of clout. −10 to one rep score of your choice.
54–55You experiment with mental self-modification. Gain the Enhanced Behavior (Level 2) trait (EP2).
56–57You exhibit a serious lack of willpower in coping with your adult life. Gain the Addiction (Level 2) trait (EP2).
58You teach yourself how to code to get additional work. +10 Program skill.
59You contribue to some important research. +10 r-rep.
60–61The poor state of affairs on Earth before the Fall heavily impacts your mental health. Gain the Mental Disorder (Depression) trait (also on Disorders, EP2).
62You spend time in Earth’s orbital colonies. +10 Free Fall skill.
63You spend time in the rougher, crisis-impacted areas on Earth before the Fall. Gain +10 Fray skill.
64A period of poverty leaves you with the skills to get by. Gain the Scrounging Talent trait.
65You are implicated in a news-making scandal. −10 c-rep.
66You are badly injured in an accident. You become more cautious. +10 Perceive skill.
67You contribute to an activist/resistance cause. +10 @-rep but −10 c-rep.
68You join a ship’s crew and the pilot shows you a few things. +10 Pilot: Space.
69Everything around you keeps breaking, so you learn how to fix it. +10 to a Hardware skill of your choice.
70–71The stress of rapid technological change overwhelms you. Gain the Mental Disorder (ADHD) trait (also on Disorders, EP2).
72You study or train hard. Gain a free specialization (EP2) of your choosing in one skill you possess.
73You take up a martial art. Gain +10 Melee skill.
74–75You choose your own path over what others tell you. Replace any one active skill with another active skill of your choosing at the same rating.
76You take care of someone in a way that is noticed by others. +10 c-rep.
77–78You learn the hard way that ignoring money management lessons was a bad idea. Reduce your Resources trait by one level. If you do not have that trait, gain the Debt trait instead.
79You take the fall for a crime you may or may not have been complicit in. +10 g-rep.
80An accident on a space elevator leaves you fearful of weightlessness. Gain the Mental Disorder (Phobia: Microgravity) trait (also on Disorders, EP2).
81–82You start up an unusual hobby. Gain +20 to one Exotic Skill (EP2) in a field of your choice.
83You lose a bet and sleeve a pod or uplift morph before it was cool. Roll on the Random Morph tables, re-rolling any result that is not an uplift or pod.
84You make some risky but ambitious decisions that pay off well. Gain the Resources (Level 1) trait (EP2).
85After you encounter someone experiencing a medical emergency, you take first aid training to be more prepared. +10 Medicine: Paramedic.
86After several opportunities are pulled away from you, you become better at getting your way. +10 Persuade skill.
87You lose a limb in a traumatic incident, but grow it back. Lose 1 ego flex.
88You lie to get a job or something you need. +10 Deceive skill.
89You help others study and learn. +10 Research skill.
90You assist an activist in resisting serious charges. +10 @-rep.
91You are taken advantage of, but you won’t let it happen again. +10 Kinesics skill.
92You briefly become mesh famous. +10 f-rep.
93You are included in a reality XP show that gets bad ratings. −10 f-rep.
94You get really into biohacking and body mods. +10 Medicine: Biotech.
95Victimized by crime, you learn to defend yourself. +10 Guns skill.
96You experience Earth’s waterways, either on vacation or due to climate issues. +10 Pilot: Nautical skill.
97You save an animal from danger. Gain the Animal Empathy trait (EP2).
98You are stalked by online trolls, but you get better at defending yourself. +10 Infosec skill.
99You are not a slacker. You take on part-time jobs or additional training. +10 to one skill of your choice.