Step 2: Aptitude Template

Determine your character’s starting aptitudes (EP2) from the Random Aptitude Template table.


Your aptitudes define your character’s natural inclinations.

Were you a rough-and-tumble type from birth? Did you always have the gleam of curiosity in your eye? Did you always play well with others? These aptitudes are your core nature, the source of your inner strengths — but they do not necessarily define who you are.

Random Aptitude Template ❮d10❯

1ActioneerYou are more comfortable with physicality than talking or thinking.101520102015
2ExtrovertYou can talk your way through most situations.102015201510
3FacilitatorYou’re good with people, planning, and seeing things through.151510201020
4FactotumYou’ve never quite stood out, but you exhibit broad competence.151515151515
5InquirerYour creative mind is good at figuring things out.202010151015
6SurvivorYou have the will and stamina to scrape by in tough situations.151015102020
7Thrill SeekerYour fast reaction time and quick thinking compensate for lack of foresight.201020151510
1–5ActioneerYou are more comfortable with physicality than talking or thinking.101520102015
6–10ExtrovertYou can talk your way through most situations.102015201510
1–5FaciltatorYou’re good with people, planning, and seeing things through.151510201020
6–10InquirerYour creative mind is good at figuring things out.202010151015
1–5SurvivorYou have the will and stamina to scrape by in tough situations.151015102020
6–10Thrill SeekerYour fast reaction time and quick thinking compensate for lack of foresight.201020151510