Every character receives two gear packs during character creation. The first of these is according to your type of campaign: Firewall, criminal, or gatecrashing. The second is based on the profession chosen in Step 2.
The gear provided in these packs is optional. If there is another piece of gear you want your character to have — whether from another gear pack or from listings in the Gear chapter — then simply swap it out with gear from your packs of an equivalent GP value.
These gear packs can also be used as an easy way to assign gear for new missions during gameplay (Acquiring Gear ).
All starting gear includes the physical gear item and the digital blueprint for nanofabrication.
Free Muse: Every character starts with a muse ALI for free.
Infomorphs: The gear packs are built with embodied characters in mind. If you have chosen an infomorph, some of it may not work with your concept. In this case, you can either adopt the optional infomorph gear pack or switch out the gear you can’t use for meshware, apps, services, bots, etc. of an equivalent GP.
GEAR Comp/GP Description
Drone Rig Mod/2 Ignore the −10 modifier when jamming.
Enhanced Security Mod/2 −10 Infosec to hack, −30 in defensive mode but no Insight pool and −3 INIT.
Exploit App Mod/R/2 Hacking library tool.
Private Server Min/1 Private server, self-administrated.
Gnat Min/1 Surveillance rotorcraft. Small size.
Guardian Angel Mod/2 Personal defense rotorcraft. Small size.
GEAR Comp/GP Description
Creepy Bot Min/1 Worn companion bot. Small size.
Holographic Projector Min/1 Projects 3D, HD, ultra-realistic images/video. +20 to Perceive as fake within 20 m.
Microcar Mod/2 One-person two-wheeler.
Multi-Tasking Mod/2 Focus on 2 things at once. +1 Insight.
Neem (5 doses) Min/1 +20 COG Check for recall of memories learned while on Neem.
Portable SolArchive Min/1 Enable Research Tests related to one Know skill while isolated from mesh.
Servitor Bot Min/1 Common helper/cook/janitor bots.
Simulspace Min/1 Access to a VR space.
GEAR Comp/GP Description
Chameleon Cloak Mod/2 Camouflage, +10 Infiltrate, +30 stationary.
Cleaner Swarm Min/1 Cleans, eliminates forensic evidence.
Covert Operations Tool Maj/R/3 Bypasses locks, cuts/repairs holes, Hardware: Electronics 60 vs. electronic locks, more.
Microbug Min/1 Micro-sized camera/audio recorder.
Skinflex *Mod/2 Disguise face, skin, hair. +30 to impersonation/disguise Deceive Tests.
Spy Nanoswarm Min/1 Surveillance, Perceive 60.
GEAR Comp/GP Description
Synthetic Mask Mod/2 Faux skin for synthmorph. +30 disguise-based Deceive Tests.
GEAR Comp/GP Description
Aggro (5 doses) Min/1 +20 Provoke to intimidate/taunt, −20 other social tests.
Claws Min/1 DV 2d6, concealable.
Flex Cutter Min/1 Flexible blade, DV 1d10 + 3, concealable.
Grin (5 doses) Min/1 Ignore 1 wound.
Muscle Augmentation Maj/3 Muscles enhanced with myofibers. +1d6 DV melee, +10 SOM Checks.
Shock Glove Min/1 DV 1d6, Shock, Touch-Only.
Shredder Mod/R/2 Flechette gun, DV 2d10 + 6, SA/BF/FA, Ammo 100, Range 25, Two-Handed.
GEAR Comp/GP Description
Breadcrumb System Min/1 Leaves mote trail for meshing/positioning.
Direction Sense Min/1 Innate sense of direction and distance.
Enhanced Vision Mod/2 Tetrachromatic vision, wider frequency range, better focus. +10 vision Perceive Tests.
Mission Recorder Min/1 Backs up all mission data.
Pressure Tent Mod/2 Self-erecting shelter for 4, built-in breather.
Saucer Min/1 Spinning disc recon drone. Small size.
Scout Missile Mod/2 Maps 5 km radius or 10 km in one direction in 20 minutes, Perceive 60.
GEAR Comp/GP Description
Enhanced Hearing Min/1 Hear higher and lower frequencies. +10 hearing-based Perceive.
Guardian Angel Mod/2 Personal defense rotorcraft. Small size.
Medium Fabber Mod/2 Fab small items.
Nanodetector Min/1 Detects nanobots, Exotic Skill: Nanobot Detection 40 (70 with active swarm), Know: Nanotech 60.
Neuromodulation Mod/2 Control over neurotransmitters and emotions. +1 Moxie.
Smart Hawk Min/1 Used for surveillance.
Stiff (5 doses) Min/1 +10 SAV/WIL Checks vs. Persuade/Provoke, Enhanced Behavior: Stubborn (Level 2).
GEAR Comp/GP Description
Archive Min/1 +10 Research Tests related to one Know skill.
Dino Pet Min/1 Genehacked dinosaur pets.
Fokus (5 doses) Min/1 Enhanced Behavior: Obsessive (2), reduce timeframes 25%.
Medichines Maj/3 Ignore 1 wound, heal faster, drug/toxin effect/duration halved.
Pusher Swarm Min/R/1 + drug/toxin Exposes biomorphs to drug/toxin.
Specimen Container Min/1 Holds samples in stasis conditions.
Tools (Kit) Min/1 Portable, applies to specific skill.
Twitch (5 doses) Min/R/1 −20 actions, SOM Check vs. incapacitation.
GEAR Comp/GP Description
Biometric Matcher App Min/1 Match biometric patterns.
Brainprint Scanner Min/1 Scans brainprint in 5 minutes.
Cuffband Min/1 Electronic handcuffs, remote operation, shock attack DV 1d6.
Klar (5 doses) Min/1 +10 Perceive, no distraction modifiers.
Microbug Min/1 Micro-sized camera/audio recorder.
Oracles Mod/2 Negate distraction modifiers.
Scout Nanoswarm Min/1 Maps area, collects forensic evidence, Know: Chemistry 60, Medicine: Forensics 60.
Speck Min/1 Insectoid spy bots. Very small size.
Spy Nanoswarm Min/1 Surveillance, Perceive 60.
GEAR Comp/GP Description
Docbot Maj/3 Medical bot.
Healing Spray Min/1 Heals 1d10 damage per hour for 12 hours.
Healing Vat Maj/3 Heal/cure biomorphs, customize/augment morph.
Meds (5 doses) Mod/2 Heals 1d10 damage per hour or 1 wound per day.
Med Scanner Min/1 Scans health, diagnosis with Medicine at 60, detect nanobots as nanodetector.
GEAR Comp/GP Description
Breadcrumb System Min/1 Leaves mote trail for meshing/positioning.
Diamond Axe Min/1 DV 2d10 + 3, armor-piercing, reach, two-handed.
Disassembly Tools Mod/2 Heavy and smart tools for taking things apart.
Guardian Swarm Mod/2 Disables other swarms; both swarms take DV 6 per turn.
Nanodetector Min/1 Detects nanobots, Exotic Skill: Nanobot Detection 40 (70 with active swarm), Know: Nanotech 60.
Orbital Hash (5 doses) Min/1 Ignore 1 trauma, −10 Know Tests/memory-related COG Checks.
Robomule Mod/2 Gear-hauling bot.
GEAR Comp/GP Description
Enhanced Vision Mod/2 Tetrachromatic vision, wider frequency range, better focus. +10 vision Perceive Tests.
Mind Amp Maj/3 Accelerates mind. +2 Insight.
Mission Recorder Min/1 Backs up all mission data.
Pocket Lab Mod/2 Analyze gases, liquids, materials, Know: Chemistry 60.
Servitor Min/1 Common helper/cook/janitor bots.
Specimen Container Min/1 Holds samples in stasis conditions.
GEAR Comp/GP Description
Assault Rifle Railgun Mod/R/2 DV 2d10 + 2, SA/BF/FA, Ammo 90 + 1, Range 150, Armor-Piercing, Long, Two-Handed.
Enhanced Vision Mod/2 Tetrachromatic vision, wider frequency range, better focus. +10 vision Perceive Tests.
Grin (5 doses) Min/1 Ignore 1 wound.
Meds (5 doses) *Mod/2 Heals 1d10 damage per hour or 1 wound per day.
Neurachem Maj/3 Enhanced synapses and neurotransmitters. +2 Vigor.
GEAR Comp/GP Description
Fixer Swarm Mod/2 Repairs 1d10 damage per hour or 1 wound per day for 4 days.