
Living creatures cannot be nanofabricated, they must be acquired via Resources trait or rep.

Training and commanding creatures is handled with Exotic Skill: Animal Handling.

Genetically Modified Organisms

A variety of transgenic, genehacked, and neogenetic creatures have become common in transhuman habitats.

Dino PetMin/11510 3015 4510 3015 4510 30504/53/15/234/20/40
  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/12 or Winged 8/32
  • Ware: Dermal Armor, Enhanced Smell, Enhanced Vision, some have Poison Glands
  • Skills: Athletics 40, Fray 30, Infiltrate 30, Melee 40, Perceive 30, Provoke 30 (Intimidate 40)
  • Notes: Bite/Horn/Tail DV 1d6 [4], Small size
Fur CoatMin/13315333103/15/23
Pollinator SwarmMin/1315 4520 601515 4571—/25/506/30/60
  • Movement Rate: Winged 8/32
  • Ware: Enhanced Smell, Enhanced Vision, some have Poison Glands
  • Skills: Athletics 60, Fray 50, Infiltrate 50, Melee 40, Perceive 30
  • Notes: Swarm sting DV 1d10 [6] (ignores non-sealed armor)
Space RoachMin/1310 3015 45151515501/5/82/10/20
  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/12
  • Ware: Grip Pads
  • Skills: Athletics 30, Fray 30, Free Fall 30, Infiltrate 50, Perceive 20
  • Notes: Small size
SquidlingMin/1310 3015 4531510 30501/5/84/20/40
  • Movement Rate: Thrust Vector (Gas Jet) 4/12
  • Ware: Enhanced Smell
  • Skills: Athletics 30, Fray 40, Free Fall 30, Infiltrate 30, Melee 30, Perceive 20
  • Notes: Bite DV 1d6 [4], Small size

Dino Pet: Genehackers have resurrected a number of extinct dinosaur species as small, colorful, and lovable pets. Varieties include pterosaurs, stegosauruses, ankylosauruses, triceratops, and many others.

Fur Coat: A so-called “fur coat” is outerwear made from a living primitive organism. The creature’s skin, fur, or scales are real. The organism is cultivated from transgenic stocks and grown around molds into clothing shapes, often with actual usefulness: polar bear parkas, seal diving suits, porcupine coats, etc. Fur coats are modified with wireless controls and haptic systems, so they can be made to move, shiver, massage, or prickle up on command.

Pollinator Swarm: Interbred and gene-modified bee and wasp variations pollinate habitat gardens. They also produce honey, hunt other insects, trim leaves, and collect debris. Though non-aggressive, some have been modified for use as assassin or guardians. They follow swarm rules.

Space Roach: Grown to the size of a small dog, these insects are often biosculpted for bright colors and patterns. They are favored as pets and useful for minor janitorial duties.

Squidling: These small-sized squid are adapted for air breathing and maneuvering in micrograv with natural air jets. They are favored as pets and snacks by neo-octopi.

Smart Animals

Smart animals are partially uplifted and bio-engineered. These have rudimentary intelligence and limited communication skills, roughly equivalent to a human toddler with a minor vocabulary. They make for fine companions and helpers.

Guard DogMin/11515 4520 6010 3020 6010 301014/56/30/454/20/40
  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
  • Ware: Claws, Cybercortex, Dermal Armor, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Smell, Enhanced Vision, Mesh Inserts, Muscle Augmentation, Puppet Sock, Reflex Boosters
  • Skills: Athletics 30, Fray 40, Melee 50, Perceive 40, Provoke 30 (Intimidate 40)
Police BaboonMin/11515 4515 451515 4515622/36/30/452/10/20
  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
  • Ware: Bioweave, Cold Tolerance, Enhanced Vision, Enhanced Respiration, Novacardium, Toxin Filters
  • Skills: Athletics 50, Fray 40, Melee 50, Perceive 40, Provoke 40 (Intimidate 50)
  • Traits: Enhanced Behavior: Obedient (Level 2)
Rust HoundMin/11515 4515 4510 3015 4515 45612/36/30/456/30/60
  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
  • Ware: Bioweave, Cold Tolerance, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Respiration, Enhanced Smell, Toxin Filters
  • Skills: Athletics 30, Fray 40, Melee 40, Perceive 50, Provoke 30 (Intimidate 40)
Smart HawkMin/11515 4515 451515 4515 45603/15/236/30/60
  • Movement Rate: Winged 8/32
  • Ware: Claws, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision
  • Skills: Athletics 60, Fray 50, Infiltrate 30, Melee 40, Perceive 50
  • Notes: Beak/claws DV 1d6 [4], Small size
Smart MonkeyMin/11515 4515 4515 451510 30603/15/234/20/40
  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/12
  • Ware: Grip Pads, Prehensile Feet, Prehensile Tail
  • Skills: Athletics 60, Exotic Skill: Sleight of Hand 50, Fray 40, Infiltrate 40, Melee 30, Perceive 40
  • Notes: Bite DV 1d6 [4], Small size
Smart RaccoonMin/11515 4510 301510 3010 30503/15/234/20/40
  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/12
  • Ware: Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Smell, Grip Pads
  • Skills: Athletics 40, Fray 40, Infiltrate 50, Melee 30, Perceive 40
  • Notes: Bite DV 1d6 [4], Small size
Smart RatMin/11515 4515 45151510 30601/5/84/20/40
  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/12
  • Ware: Enhanced Smell, Grip Pads, Prehensile Tail
  • Skills: Athletics 50, Fray 40, Infiltrate 60, Perceive 40
  • Notes: Very Small size
Swarm CatMin/11515 4515 451515 4515 45614/56/30/456/30/60
  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
  • Ware: Biomods, Claws, Cybercortex, Dermal Armor, Enhanced Smell, Enhanced Vision, Grip Pads, Mesh Inserts, Prehensile Tail, more
  • Skills: Athletics 50, Fray 40, Free Fall 30, Infiltrate 60, Melee 50, Perceive 40
  • Notes: Some are small size

Guard Dog: These smart dogs are trained for security and policing purposes and sometimes enhanced with combative bioware or cybernetics.

Police Baboon: Favored for police work on Mars, these partially uplifted Cape baboons can be vicious, especially when in a pack.

Rust Hound: These medium-sized transgenic hounds are modified to breathe the Martian atmosphere and handle its cold environment. They make excellent trackers.

Smart Hawk: Enhanced versions of peregrine falcons and other predatory birds are common in large, open habitats. The art of falconry has made a comeback, with birds trained for surveillance and tracking.

Smart Monkey: Employed by criminal groups for minor larceny such as pickpocketing, smart monkeys are useful intelligent aides.

Smart Raccoon: Similar to monkeys, smart raccoons are favored as personal aides.

Smart Rat: These upgrades of the common Norwegian rat are clever and dexterous, and they easily fit into a pocket or hood.

Swarm Cat: Bred on scum swarms for companionship, competitions, and weirdness, swarm cats are heavily modified with transgenic traits. No two are alike, with some incorporating traits from other animals in the suborder Feliformia, including mongooses, civets, and even hyenas. One swarm cat may look like a Siamese with purple bioluminescent fur and six legs, the next may look more like a snow leopard with four eyes, cybernetic scales, and wings.


A few creatures discovered on exoplanets have been finding their way into private collections and transhuman habitats.

Clown SpriteRare/—1515 4520 6015 451515714/20/302/10/20
  • Movement Rate: Winged 8/32, Walker 4/12
  • Ware: Chameleon Skin, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Smell, Grip Pads, Prehensile Feet, Prehensile Tail
  • Skills: Athletics 50, Fray 40, Infiltrate 60, Melee 30, Perceive 40
  • Notes: Bite DV 1d6 [4], Small size, Immune to land anemone venom
HexanewtRare/—1515 4510 301515 4515 45512/36/30/456/30/60
  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
  • Ware: Bioweave, Chameleon Skin, Cryogenic Protection, Gills
  • Skills: Athletics 50, Fray 30, Infiltrate 30, Melee 30, Perceive 60
  • Notes: Bite DV 1d10 [6]

Clown Sprite: Found in the Echo system, these colorful, omnivorous, winged avian-primates normally live in a symbiotic relationship with carnivorous land anemones. These mischievous creatures have bonded with some transhumans. They are clever, playful, and prone to pranks.

Hexanewt: It is suspected that these six-limbed amphibians were partially uplifted by now extinct aliens on the exoplanet Droplet. They sometimes walk erect on 2 limbs, sometimes crawl on all 6. They are quite perceptive and have learned to mimic transhuman behaviors and tool use.