Senses and Sensors

Transhuman senses far exceed old human norms. Here's a breakdown of what capabilities these functions provide. The capabilities are typically the same whether it’s a biological or technological sensor.

Sensory Databases

Both technological sensors and enhanced biological senses may be correlated with recognition databases of scanned “signatures” that make it easier to identify whatever the user is sensing. These databases may be part of the implant, accessed online, or stored in your mesh inserts. For example, infrared sensors include pattern-matching algorithms incorporating the heat signatures of different animals and items. Apply a +10 modifier to relevant Perceive and Know Tests to identify objects or creatures.

Active vs. Passive

An active scanner must actually emit its particular frequency and then measure the reflections; this means a similar sensor can detect it and home in on the emitting source. For example, a character with enhanced vision can literally see the terahertz radiation emitted by someone using an active terahertz sensor, much like someone with normal vision can see the light emitted by a flashlight.

A passive scanner simply scans frequencies that occur naturally — there is nothing to give the sensor away.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

For rules purposes, Eclipse Phase breaks the EM spectrum down by wavelength and frequency into the following categories:

Radar (Radio/Microwave): Radar sensors work by actively emitting radio waves and microwaves and measuring them as they bounce off the target. Radar works best when detecting metallic objects, and is less effective (−20 modifier) against biomorphs and small items. Resolution is not high, however, so it can see shapes but not colors or fine details. It can be used to detect both speed and movement, can “see” through walls (as well as cloth, plastic, wood, masonry, composites, ceramics, and other materials, up to a cumulative Armor + DR of 200), and can detect cybernetic implants or concealed items (negates concealment modifiers). At close ranges (1–2 meters), it can detect pulse rate and respiration by measuring the motion of the chest cavity.

Terahertz: Terahertz sensors emit t-rays, measure the reflections, and compare them to a database of terahertz signatures that different items/materials have. The resolution is higher than radar, but with slightly less detail than normal vision. Similar to radar, terahertz sensors can see through walls and other materials, but to a lesser extent (up to a cumulative Armor + DR of 150). T-rays occur naturally, but terahertz sensors normally require an emitter as they are absorbed by atmosphere (as well as water and metal). In space, however, an emitter would not be required. Passive terahertz scans within atmosphere have an effective range of 25 meters. T-rays do not penetrate skin (including synthetic mask), so are ineffective for locating implants in biomorphs.

Infrared: Near-infrared wavelengths are used for night vision, providing resolution and detail equivalent to regular vision under low-light conditions. Mid-long infrared is excellent for detecting heat sources (unobstructed by fog or smoke) and temperature differences (as small as 0.1 degree C), and such thermal imaging will sense the dissipating heat traces left by warm sources on colder ones, allowing you to see where someone was sitting, trace fading heat footprints, or see what buttons were recently pressed. Infrared also detects the blood flow in a biomorph’s face, which can be useful in judging emotional states (+20 modifier to Kinesics Tests), and can spot sub-surface implants. Some normally white surfaces are reflective (mirrored) in infrared, potentially allowing an infrared viewer to see around corners or behind themselves. On the other hand, some glass is opaque to infrared light. Infrared is also useful for determining chemical composition (enabling Know: Chemistry Tests by sight alone). Many laser systems are visible in infrared. Infrared sensory input is passive.

Visible Light: The wavelengths that non-enhanced human eyes can perceive.

Ultraviolet: Some objects are fluorescent in ultraviolet light, including some animals, flowers, insects, urine, and minerals (which show up much better in ultraviolet than regular light). Some plants and animals have patterns that can only be seen in ultraviolet. Security systems sometimes use chemical dyes that only show up under ultraviolet to mark intruders for later identification. Forensic units make use of luminol to react with blood so that it fluoresces under ultraviolet light. Some glass is opaque at ultraviolet wavelengths.

X-Ray/Gamma-Ray: Backscatter imaging systems using x- and gamma-ray frequencies produce high-resolution three-dimensional images and are very useful for detecting concealed weapons and implants (negates concealment modifiers). Such imagers are very good at penetrating walls and metal (up to a cumulative Armor + DR of 300, at least at levels safe to transhumans). These sensors can, of course, also detect the presence of harmful radiation.


Lidar technology makes use of lasers, actively bouncing light from the infrared through ultraviolet spectrum off a target and measuring the backscatter, fluorescence, and other properties. Similar to radar, but with much higher resolution, lidar is very useful for detecting atmospheric chemical properties and weather. Like radar, it can be used to measure a target’s range and speed, or develop a three-dimensional image. One clever use of lidar is to precisely “map” the position of everything in a room (taking several turns of scanning) and then check that positioning later to see if anything has been moved.

Mesh Tomography

The wireless mesh signals emitted by ubiquitous motes and other devices blanket most habitat areas, penetrating walls and structures. By measuring the transmission and reception of radio signals in multiple devices around an area, you can map the area and detect motion within, with a resolution akin to radar. This requires coordination of multiple perimeter devices, whether allies or remotely accessed devices, and a successful Interface Test.


The transmission of vibrations through a medium, sound is broken down into infrasound (frequencies below standard human hearing), normal acoustic range, and ultrasound (frequencies above standard human hearing). Soundwaves do not propagate in vacuum.

Ultrasound: Ultrasound sonar operates much like radar, bouncing sound waves off a target and measuring the returning echoes. Ultrasound imaging is similarly low resolution, showing shapes and movement but no colors and few details unless measured closely (1–2 meters). Ultrasound is good for identifying a material’s density, however, and can detect denser materials hidden beneath less dense ones. Many medical devices utilize ultrasound, and ultrasound sensors can also detect gas leaks, frictional motor noises, and similar mechanical emissions. Ultrasound sensors are typically unaffected by noise clutter from standard acoustic frequencies.

Infrasound: Infrasound travels much further than regular sound frequencies (hundreds of kilometers). Mechanical machinery, seismic disturbances, tornadoes, explosions, waterfalls, and certain weather phenomena create infrasound waves. Large animals such as elephants and whales use infrasound to communicate via the ground or water over large distances, though infrasound data transfer is too slow for complex communications.

Combined Sensor Systems

When used together, these sensor technologies are potent. For example, the use of lidar, thermal imaging, and radar can provide a three-dimensional map of a building and everyone and everything inside.