Flexbot Tricks

Modular design and shape adjusting ware enable certain reconfiguration “tricks” that are impossible with other morphs.

Access Cover

  • Shapechange Complexity: Superficial
  • Timeframe: 1d6 turns

You cover over your access jacks to make them less vulnerable, protecting them beneath your external shell.


  • Shapechange Complexity: Minor
  • Timeframe: 1d6 minutes

You extend limbs or even just part of your structure around objects and meld them together on the far side. This allows you to lock yourself solidly in a particular position or to hold a particular object in place. Apply up to a −30 modifier to SOM Checks made to move you or the object you are wrapped around, though this may be dependent on the solidity of the object you are anchored to.


  • Shapechange Complexity: Moderate
  • Timeframe: 1d6 × 10 minutes

You use shape adjusting to take on the appearance of other synthmorphs or bots. Your module/flexbot must be the same size as the shell you are attempting to mimic and you must adopt a similar shape and profile. Apply a +30 modifier to disguise-based Deceive or Exotic Skill: Disguise Tests.


  • Shapechange Complexity: Superficial
  • Timeframe: 1d6 turns

You extend flat panels perpendicular to your direction of travel in order to create drag and slow your speed.

Limb Articulation

  • Shapechange Complexity: Minor
  • Timeframe: 1d6 minutes

Your limbs can be structured with extra joints, enabling a greater degree of articulation. This can be useful for reaching past corners and obstacles or otherwise accessing hard-to-reach areas.

Serpent Mode

  • Shapechange Complexity:
  • Timeframe: 1d6 turns

You link 5 or more modules end-to-end. This gives you the snake mobility system (EP2) for free. Your entire morph can also fit through any space that one module can fit through.


  • Shapechange Complexity: Minor / Moderate
  • Timeframe: 1d6 minutes / 1d6 × 10 minutes

Gestalts of multiple modules can link together their smart matter composition and jointly use their shape adjusting ability to craft ware that provides a benefit to the flexmorph as a whole. This is particularly useful for ware such as chameleon skin, magnetic system, and mobility systems that would otherwise require each individual module to possess. To do this, one or more modules must allocate an amount from their shape-adjusting allowance equal to the ware’s Complexity times a multiplier based on the flexmorph’s size: 1 for small, 2 for medium, 3 for large, 4 for very large. For example, shaping Mod/2 shareware for a medium flexmorph (x2 multiplier) would require 4 GP (2 × 2) worth of shape-adjusting allowance; this could be 2 modules contributing 2 GP each, 4 modules contributing 1 GP each, or any similar combination. If any modules already have the ware installed, reduce the allowance required by that ware’s Complexity. Because shareware requires more extensive interlocking, modules may not disconnect until the shareware is reshaped according to the timeframe above.


  • Shapechange Complexity: Minor
  • Timeframe: 1d6 minutes

You relocate your external armor (but not the armor provided by your frame) all to one side. This doubles the AV against attacks from that one direction, but leaves you without that armor against attacks from other directions.


  • Shapechange Complexity: Minor
  • Timeframe: 1d6 turns

You widen your base for extra stability. Apply a +10 modifier to any tests that involve staying in place or keeping upright.


  • Shapechange Complexity: Minor
  • Timeframe: 1d6 minutes

You sculpt your shape to optimize air (or water) flow around and reduce drag. This requires merging in any limbs or other extruding parts of your form. Increase your Movement Rate by 25–50%.


  • Shapechange Complexity: Moderate
  • Timeframe: 1d6 hours

With this more extreme form of shielding, you reconfigure so that your protective frame also protects from one specific direction, in addition to your armor. This doubles your entire AV against attacks from that one direction, but leaves you without that armor against attacks from other directions.