Weapon/Gear Traits

A number of weapons and some gear items list specific traits that indicate special effects. Some of these inflict specific conditions on the target:

  • Armor-Piercing: This weapon penetrates armor. The attack inflicts −1d10 DV, but armor is halved. Weapons and ammo types listed as armor-piercing already incorporate the DV modifier. Additional armor-piercing effects are ignored.
  • Blinding: Targets must make a REF Check or be blinded for 1 action turns, +1 per superior failure. A critical failure results in permanent blindness until repaired or they spend time in a healing vat. Anti-glare ware protects against blinding based on light.
  • Concealable: This item is easily hidden. You receive a +30 to Infiltrate Tests to hide this item on your person (or elsewhere).
  • Entangling: Targets struck by this weapon must make a REF Check or be grappled. The attacker's superior successes apply a cumulative −10 to this REF Check and SOM Checks to break free.
  • Fixed: Fixed weapons are designed to be fired from a prone or braced position, such as mounted on a bipod or hardpoint. If carried, apply a −20 modifier to attacks and consider them to have the Two-Handed trait.
  • Fragile: This items breaks or becomes unusable if you roll a superior failure.
  • Knockdown: This strike may knock even unwounded opponents off their feet. The target must make a SOM Check or be knocked prone.
  • Lacks Smartlink: This weapon is not equipped with a smartlink’s targeting assistance. −10 to attack tests.
  • Long: Lengthy weapons are unwieldy in close combat (−30 to fire when in melee) and do not receive the +10 modifier when fired at Point-Blank range.
  • No Close: This weapon cannot be fired at Point-Blank or Close range. Seeker weapons have built-in safety features that prevent them from being fired at ranges that might injure the user. Overriding this features requires a Hardware or Infosec Test.
  • No Point-Blank: This weapon cannot be fired at Point-Blank range.
  • Pain: A biomorph target struck by this weapon must make a WIL Check or take their next full action to flee, moving as far away from the pain-inflicting source as possible or to the nearest full cover they can reach on their action. Targets also suffer −20 until the end of the next turn. Targets with the Pain Tolerance (Level 1) trait receive a +30 to their WIL Check and only suffer a −10 modifier. Targets with Pain Tolerance (Level 2) are immune to this effect. Victims who are trapped in the beam or otherwise cannot avoid the pain effect are impaired (−20) until they escape.
  • Shock: This weapon inflicts a shock effect.
  • Single-Use: This item can only be used once.
  • Steady: This weapon ignores range modifiers.
  • Stun: Targets must make a SOM Check or be stunned for 1 action turn, +1 per superior failure. Apply kinetic armor as a positive modifier. Large targets receive a +30, small targets receive a −30 modifier. On a critical failure, they are incapacitated for 1 action turn and stunned for 1 minute.
  • Touch-Only: This melee attack just requires a touch. +20 to hit, but no DV is inflicted (Touch-Only Attacks).
  • Two-Handed: This weapon requires two hands (or an equivalent prehensile limb) to use. Apply a −20 modifier to attack if used single-handed.