Step 15: Final Stats and Details

Now it’s time to put all of your stats together. There are several steps to this process:

Total Aptitudes and Skills

List out all of the skills you picked up from your background, career, interest, faction, and event steps. If you acquired the same skill more than once, either add those points together or apply the additional points to another skill of your choosing. Points for Know skills may only be used for other Know skills; however, points for Active skills may be used for either Active or Know skills.

Next, add the base aptitude values to their linked skills. The skills of Fray and Perceive have base values equal to their aptitude × 2.

No final skill total (including both the aptitude and skill points) can exceed 80. Apply any points over to another skill of your choice. Again, Know skill points may only be used for other Know skills.

You are free to switch your skills out for any other skills of an equivalent value, as long as Know skill points only go toward other Know skills. However, in the spirit of this life path system, we urge you to stick as close to your acquired skills as possible.

Total Rep

Take all of the rep points you acquired from different steps and list them out. Combine points in the same rep networks together. You may not start with a score higher than 80 in any rep network; apply any points over to a different rep network of your choice.

Calculate Derived Stats

You’re almost done! Now a few of your stats need to be calculated and added to your character sheet:

  • Initiative: (REF + INT) ÷ 5.
  • Aptitude Checks: Each aptitude has a check (Cognition Check, Intuition Check, etc.) equal to the aptitude × 3.
  • Lucidity: WIL × 2.
  • Trauma Threshold: LUC ÷ 5.
  • Insanity Rating: LUC × 2.
  • Infection Rating (Asyncs Only): Psi trait level × 10.

Apply Traits

Apply the effects of any traits you picked up. If you acquired the same trait twice, add the levels together (up to the maximum value) or replace one with a trait of an equivalent CP cost/bonus.

Add Languages

Write down your native tongue (Step 3: Native Tongue) and any additional languages you acquired.

Choose Motivations

Choose the 3 motivations you start with (Motivations).

Starting Morph

Your starting morph is either the one you acquired with your background (Step 4: Background Path) or the new one it was most recently replaced by due to a roll on an event table.

Starting Gear

You start with two gear packs. One is based on the career you chose or rolled in Step 9: Career Path. The other is based on the type of campaign you are playing, (Firewall, Gatecrashing, Guanxi/ Criminal) as determined by your GM.