New Social Ware

SOCIAL WAREWare TypeComp/GPDescription
Gait MaskCHMin/1/R−30 to gait-detection sensors.
Implant MaskCHMin/1One C/H ware made concealable, −30 to detect with sensors.
Mimicry ModuleCHMMod/2+10 Deceive, +30 impersonating specific target after test.
QE ImplantCHMaj/3QE Comm + micro qubit reservoir; 1 min video/1 hr voice.
Skeletal DisguiseCMin/1−30 modifier to match skeletal pattern with sensors.

Gait Mask

When activated, this ware creates subtle but measurable changes to your leg structure, muscle tone, and foot shape. This alters your walking pattern enough to confound gait detect systems. Apply a −30 modifier to gait-detection sensors.

Implant Mask

Implant mask is not a separate ware, but a modification to an existing cybernetic or hardware enhancement. The masked ware is modified with smart materials that reduce its signature and hide it from security systems. Treat the ware as concealed (−30 to sensor tests to detect).

Mimicry Module

This module features a library of mannerisms, vocal patterns, body language, and social cues that you can incorporate to alter your emotive/kinesic display. Apply a +10 modifier to Deceive Tests.

Additionally, if you spend at least 1 hour observing a target’s social interactions (either directly or via high-quality surveillance) and succeed in a Kinesics Test, you can duplicate their mannerisms. You receive +30 to Deceive when impersonating that specific individual.

QE Implant

This is an implanted version of the QE Comm (EP2) with a micro-sized qubit reservoir (1 minute video, 1 hour voice). Due to size, it is usually implanted in the thoracic cavity.

Skeletal Disguise

This implanted system is designed to disguise your skeletal pattern in sensor readings. It can be used to simply alter the readings (−30 to pattern match with sensors) or to match a specific skeletal pattern.