Armor Mods

Armor modifications add extra materials or coatings that either enhance resistance to certain dangers or provide other effects. Listings are for temporary coatings, which can be applied to clothing, armor, or even directly to a morph’s skin or shell with a spray-on nanobot applicator, are easily removed, and last 1 day. Permanent coatings require a specialized hive. With the exception of chameleon coating, armor mods are visible and easily identified. Only one mod can be applied at a time.

ARMOR MODSEnergyKineticComp/GPDescription
Ablative+4+0Min/15 uses. Hive restores 1 use per hour.
Chameleon+0+0Min/1+30 Infiltrate when stationary or moving less than 2 m/turn.
Fireproof+2+0Min/1+10/+0 vs. fire/heat.
Immunogenic+0+0Min/1Negates dermal chem/drugs/toxins.
Lotus+0+0Min/1Repels all liquids, +30 defending vs. liquid-based attacks.
Medical/Repair+0+0Min/1Heals/repairs 1d10 damage per hour, ignore 1 wound.
Offensive+0+0Min/1Shock effect if hit/touched.
Reactive+3+3Min/15 uses. Hits inflict DV 1 to wearer, DV 1d6 to melee attacker. Hive restores 1 use/hour.
Refractive Glazing+3+0Min/1
Self-Healing+0+0Min/1Repairs 1d10 damage to armor per hour.
Shock Proof+0+0Min/1+20 to SOM Checks vs. shock.

Ablative: This coating absorbs heat and energy from beams and explosions, safely vaporizing and blowing hot gas away. Ablative patches increase the Armor Value by +4/+0, but each hit reduces the value of the ablative armor by 1 (a specialized hive repairs this at the rate of 1 point per hour).

Chameleon: When activated, this mod coating matches the background, providing +30 to Infiltrate Tests against visual detection when stationary or moving less than 2 meters/turn. The coat also absorbs heat and works against infrared for 1 hour before it must be cooled off (taking another hour).

Fireproof: Heat-resistant layers capable of withstanding extremely high temperatures increase the Armor Value by +2/+0 and provide an additional 8 points of armor against heat or fire specifically, even if you are on fire/burning and armor is ignored.

Immunogenic: The immunogenic mod neutralizes toxic agents and nanotoxins with which it comes into contact. This provides immunity to drugs, toxins, and nanotoxins applied dermally, such as with a slap patch or splash grenade. It has no effect on inhaled, oral, or injected drugs (including coated weapons).

Impact: This coating acts as a shear-thickening fluid, hardening upon impact and distributing the kinetic energy. Increase the Armor Value by +0/+3.

Lotus: This superhydrophic coating (contact angle of around 170°) repels all water-like liquids. Apply a +30 modifier when defending against liquid-based attacks.

Medical/Repair: For biomorphs, the medical coating stops blood flow, seals injuries, and treats wounds with stem cells and medical nanobots. The repair mod does the same for synthmorphs, repairing severed connections and reconstructing the shell and internal mechanisms. Both nullify the modifiers from 1 wound and repair DV 1d10 per hour.

Offensive: When activated, this layer shocks anyone or anything it contacts. Treat as a shock attack.

Reactive: This colony of nanobots senses incoming attacks and detonates to disrupt the attack. Bursts and full autofire are treated as a single attack. A reactive coating increases the Armor Value by +3/+3, but each detonation automatically inflicts 1 point of damage on the wearer. Reactive armor also works against melee attacks, inflicting DV 1d6 to the attacker from the microexplosion. A reactive coating only works against 5 attacks (a specialized hive repairs this at the rate of 1 use per hour).

Refractive Glazing: A combination of reflectors, refractive metamaterials, and an energy transfer system with heat radiators provides extra protection against energy weapons. Increase the Armor Value by +3/+0.

Self-Healing: This mod can only be applied to armor. When activated, it repairs the armor at a rate of 1d10 per hour.

Shock Proof: Shock proof mods are electronically insulated to discharge and reduce the effect of shock weapons. Apply a +20 modifier to SOM Checks made to resist shock effects.