Flexbot FAQ

  • Q. Can a flexbot shape adjust a synthetic mask? Or have a synthetic mask as ware?
  • A. No, smart matter cannot replicate the layer of faux flesh. A flexbot could have synthetic mask ware, but any alteration of the flexbot’s form is going to damage the mask layer in a gruesome manner, so it’s not useful for long.
  • Q. How would a brain box work in a flexbot? Can a flexbot (or any synthmorph) with a brain box use psi?
  • A. The brain box replaces a module’s cyberbrain. It would be contained within the module in a smart matter frame, and could be relocated within that module as necessary. The module would otherwise function the same, except that the cyberbrain could not be hacked.
  • An ego with the Psi trait ensconced in a synthmorph’s brain box can use psi. However, since they lack a full nervous system, they suffer a −30 penalty to Psi Tests and WIL Checks involving psi and they cannot use sleights at Touch range, unless the target happens to be poking their finger into their gray matter.
  • Q. A fighter module comes with 2 weapon mounts. Are these static, swivel, or articulated?
  • A. User’s choice. These mounts are made of smart matter and can be reconfigured.
  • Q. If a conjurer module’s swarm separates from the flexbot, is its DUR part of the flexbot’s aggregate DUR, the swarm’s DUR, or both?
  • A. If a conjurer’s swarm separates from the flexbot, it is treated as any other separated module: the DUR applies to the swarm, the flexbot’s DUR is reduced, and the flexbot’s controlling ego must make an Integration Test. However, conjurer swarms do leave their hive with the flexbot.
  • Q. Does the Morph Familiarity (Flexbot) trait apply to all modules?
  • A. Yes, you would not need to make Integration Tests no matter the type of module added or detached.