
Flexbot Ware

The following augmentations are available only to flexbots or other morphs with the shape adjusting enhancement.

Flexbot WareWare TypeComp/GPDescription
BoomscatterHMin/1Scatter apart to halve damage from impact/explosion. Requires shape adjusting.
Omni-jointsHMaj/3+10 Athletics, Fray, and Melee. Requires shape adjusting.
Smart MassHMod/2Transfer DUR between modules that have this ware; also transfer/discard damage/wounds


This mod is only available to morphs with shape adjusting. You are designed to diffuse the force of impacts and explosions by scattering into dozens or even hundreds of small pieces. You may reduce the effect of one collision, melee attack, concussive blast, or high-explosive blast by half. Your scattered components take 1d6 × 10 minutes to reassemble. During this period, you may not engage in physical actions, including Fray Tests, and your AV is 0/0.

If you are a flexbot or similar modular system targeted by a melee attack, you may choose 1 module to scatter and take the halved damage of the attack. The rest of your modules remain combined.


This mod only functions with shape adjusting ware. Your smart material construction can configure omni-directional joints on the fly, enabling amazing feats of balance and movement and tricks with your limbs. This allows you to bend over backwards, reach around corners, and grapple things like a bolo. You can even use this multi- jointed capability to bypass an opponent’s guard in melee, like a flail swinging around a shield. Apply +10 to Athletics, Fray, and Melee Tests.

Smart Mass

Your module has the capability to share its smart matter with other modules that also have smart mass ware. Up to 75% of your DUR may be transferred. If taking on mass from another module, you may not raise your DUR to more than double its base value. Transferring or absorbing mass will affect a module’s size. If you transfer away more than 50% of a module’s DUR, reduce its AV by 25%.

Damaged smart matter can be transferred or discarded, at the cost of reduced DUR. If the damaged DUR exceeds your module’s Wound Threshold, you may also transfer/discard 1 wound. If the damaged DUR exceeds Wound Threshold × 2, you may discard 2 wounds, and so on. A module with smart mass and medichines can repair damaged smart mass taken from other modules.

Other Ware

This ware is useful to flexbots, but not limited to them.

Other WareWare TypeComp/GPDescription
Convertible FormHMin/1Transform into a pre-set configuration in 3 action turns.
OozewareHMaj/3Limited but faster (1d6 turns) shape adjusting, AV 4/half.

Convertible Form

Smart materials provide your morph with limited but quick shape-shifting capabilities. You can transform your body plan between two pre-set configurations in 3 action turns. This mod may be taken multiple times for additional configurations.

If you also have shape adjusting ware, you can choose either 1 Moderate complexity or 2 Minor complexity items/ware as pre-set configurations that you can transform into in 3 action turns instead of the usual 1d6 minutes. However, if your module is not in its default configuration, this rapid re-assembly may not be possible (GM discretion).


This ware functions much like shape adjusting, but with some key differences. Rather than the usual smart material construction, this morph is based on a gel-like smart liquid. This fluid has the same shear-thickening quality as body armor, meaning it hardens on impact, and it thickens, extends, and retracts on command. Its shape adjusting is limited to basic forms such as limbs, tentacles, or simple tools such as a hammer or wrench. It can change all or part of its form into 2 Moderate complexity items or 4 Minor complexity items at a time, or 1 Moderate and 2 Minor together. However, it can transform into these shapes much more quickly, in 1d6 Action Turns.

Some of the ware/gear it can form includes: claws, digging claws, disassembly tools, extra limbs, gliding membrane, grasping tendril, hidden compartment, mobility system (boat, hopper, roller, snake, walker, swimmer), prehensile feet, prehensile tail, retracting limbs, skin pocket, telescoping limb, weapon mount, wings. Others may be allowed at GM discretion.

Synthmorphs with this mod do not have a frame, but they receive AV 4/0 and only take half damage from kinetic projectiles such as firearms and railguns. Morphs with this gear may not use synthetic mask or shape adjusting ware.

Modularized Gear

Modularized GearComp/GPDescription
Modularized GearIncrease one levelMakes gear item modularized; can be incorporated into flexbot.

Gear can be converted into a modular configuration by increasing its Complexity one step (i.e., from Minor/1 to Moderate/2).

Modularized gear of very small size can be be directly integrated into a module as if it were ware. Very small modularized gear is physically attached and cannot be dropped, pickpocketed, or disarmed. It may also be retracted inside the module, making it extremely difficult to access or detect (treat as concealed in EP2). No more than three pieces of modular gear may be installed in a given module. Devices that are directional or that require fine manipulation or aim, such as laser links and covert operation tools, must be installed on a weapon mount or limb with articulated motion to be useful.

Modularized gear of small size or larger is treated as a full module, just like a bot. Assume devices have AV 6/4 and DUR of 10 (small), 20 (medium), 30 (large), or 40 (very large) for stat purposes and no mobility systems (subject to GM discretion).