Flexbot Modules

All flexbot except conjurers have the following stats plus the stats for their module type.

  • Movement Rate: Thrust Vector (Gas Jet) 8/40, Walker 4/12
  • Ware: Access Jacks, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Modular Design, Puppet Sock, Shape Adjusting
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
  • Notes: Light Frame (Armor 6/4), Small size

Apiary Module

Apiary modules are carriers for nanoswarm hives.

  • Cost: 3 MP • Avail: 50

  • WT: 4 • DUR: 20 • DR: 40
  • Insight 0, Moxie 0, Vigor 0, Flex 0

  • Ware: Cleaner Swarm Hive, Fixer Swarm Hive, Guardian Swarm Hive, Engineer Swarm Hive, Nanoscopic Vision
  • Common Shape Adjustments: Fractal Digits, Nanodetector, Tool Kit
  • Notes: Hives may be switched for others of equivalent GP.

Aviary Module

Aviary modules are bot carriers. While any bot can be integrated as a flexbot module, aviaries provide a protective enclosure for the bots and a hive to keep them repaired. They can hold 1 small bot or 5 very small bots.

  • Cost: 2 MP • Avail: 50

  • WT: 4 • DUR: 20 • DR: 40
  • Insight 0, Moxie 0, Vigor 0, Flex 1

  • Ware: Drone Rig, Fixer Swarm Hive

Bard Module

Bards are equipped for communications, social and media events.

  • Cost: 3 MP • Avail: 50

  • WT: 4 • DUR: 20 • DR: 40
  • Insight 0, Moxie 1, Vigor 0, Flex 0

  • Ware: Laser Link (Small), Miniature Radio Farcaster, Radio Booster, QE Comm, Qubit Reservoir
  • Common Shape Adjustments: Chameleon Skin, Holographic Projector, Mission Recorder, White Noise Machine

Cleric Module

Clerics are for emergency medical services.

  • Cost: 2 MP • Avail: 50

  • WT: 4 • DUR: 20 • DR: 40
  • Insight 0, Moxie 0, Vigor 0, Flex 1

  • Ware: Ego Bridge, Healing Spray Hive, Med Scanner
  • Common Shape Adjustments: Specimen Container, Toolkit (Medicine: Paramedic), Utilimod
  • Notes: The hive can fabricate another dose of healing spray every 2 hours.

Conjurer Module

A conjurer is a mini-swarmanoid that attaches to a flexbot.

  • Cost: 1 MP • Avail: 50

  • WT: — • DUR: 25 • DR: 40
  • Insight 1, Moxie 0, Vigor 0, Flex 0

  • Movement Rate: Hopper 4/12, Rotor 4/20, Walker 2/8
  • Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Skinlink
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3)
  • Notes: Swarm attack (DV 1d6, ignores armor, blinding), comes with specialized conjurer hive, follows rules for swarms (EP2). Conjurer swarms do not affect a flexbot’s gestalt Movement Rate; when not disconnected they ride along on other modules.

Crafter Module

Engineer modules, specialized in construction and fabrication.

  • Cost: 2 MP • Avail: 60

  • WT: 4 • DUR: 20 • DR: 40
  • Insight 1, Moxie 0, Vigor 0, Flex 0

  • Ware: Engineer Swarm Hive, Fixer Swarm Hive
  • Common Shape Adjustments: Enhanced Vision, Disassembly Tools, Fractal Digits, Nanoscopic Vision, Tool Kit, T-Ray Emitter, and Utilitool

Fighter Module

These modules are combat-oriented.

  • Cost: 3 MP • Avail: 60

  • WT: 6 • DUR: 30 • DR: 60
  • Insight 0, Moxie 0, Vigor 1, Flex 0

  • Ware: Pneumatics, Weapon Mount (2)
  • Common Shape Adjustments: Enhanced Vision, Light Combat Armor, Radar, T-Ray Emitter, and ranged weapons

Rogue Module

Rogues are optimized for stealth and covert activities.

  • Cost: 2 MP • Avail: 60

  • WT: 4 • DUR: 20 • DR: 40
  • Insight 0, Moxie 0, Vigor 1, Flex 0

  • Ware: Chameleon Skin, Radar Absorbent
  • Common Shape Adjustments: Dazzler, Enhanced Vision, Fiber Eye, Fractal Digits, Magnetic System, Nanoscopic Vision, T-Ray Emitter, Weapon Mount

Wizard Module

Wizard modules specialize in infosec and communications tasks.

  • Cost: 2 MP • Avail: 60

  • WT: 4 • DUR: 20 • DR: 40
  • Insight 1, Moxie 0, Vigor 0, Flex 0

  • Ware: Radio Booster, Sniffer App, Tracker App
  • Common Shape Adjustments: Electrical Sense, Enhanced Vision, Laser Link, Nanodetector, Skinlink, Utilitool

Flexbot Rules

Each flexbot is considered a single entity for rules purposes, no matter how many modules it has. Though the full range of flexbot possibilities is beyond the scope of this book, apply the following rules and keep an eye on past and future Eclipse Phase supplements:

  • Choose one module to hold the ego — this module controls the others.
  • (Dis)connecting a module is a complex action and requires an Integration Test (EP2). Modules not physically connected are handled as remote operation (EP2).
  • When modules are combined, use their combined pools.
  • Modules must all be using the same mobility system or Movement Rate is halved.
  • A flexbot with 3–4 modules is medium-sized; 5–9 large; 10 or more very large.
  • A flexbot’s Armor Value equals the average of its modules’ AVs.
  • A flexbot’s DUR equals the combined DUR of its modules.
  • Wound Threshold equals DUR ÷ 5 and Death Rating equals DUR × 2.
  • Damage is applied evenly among modules. If a detached module has damage exceeding its Wound Threshold, a wound can be assigned to it. Distinct modules can be targeted with called shots.
  • Robots of varying sizes may be integrated as modules. Small bots count as full modules. Treat 5 very small bots as 1 module; only apply a pool bonus (equal to one bot’s pools) if there are at least five of the same type. A medium bot counts as 3 modules, a large bot as 5 modules, and a very large bot as 10 modules. Average their AV scores (taking into account the bots count as multiple modules) and combine DUR as defined above.
  • Bonuses from some traits and ware only apply if every module in the flexbot has them (e.g., chameleon skin); use common sense.