Uplift Biomorphs

These biomorphs are the original bodies of various sapient non-humans. Though uncommon and sometimes stigmatized, they are also sleeved by non-uplifts.


Neo-avians include ravens, crows, and gray parrots uplifted to human-level intelligence. Their physical sizes are much larger than their non-uplifted cousins (to the size of a human child), with larger heads for their increased brain size. Numerous transgenic modifications have been made to their wings, allowing them to retain limited flight capabilities at 1 g, but giving them a more bat-like physiology so they can bend and fold better and adding primitive digits for basic tool manipulation. Their toes are also more articulated and now accompanied with an opposable thumb. Neo-avians have adapted well to microgravity environments, and are favored for their small size and reduced resource use.


  • Cost: 0 MP • Avail: 50

  • WT: 5 • DUR: 25 • DR: 38
  • Insight 2, Moxie 1, Vigor 0, Flex 0

  • Movement Rate: Walker 2/8, Winged 8/40
  • Ware: Biomods, Claws, Cortical Stack, Direction Sense, Enhanced Vision, Mesh Inserts, Prehensile Feet, Wings
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3), Non-Human Biochemistry (Level 2)
  • Notes: Beak/Claw Attack (DV 2d6), Small size


Like other neo-hominids, uplifted bonobo and chimpanzee morphs feature enhanced intelligence and bipedal frames. Their long arms and prehensile feet are a boon for climbing and maneuvering in microgravity environments. They retain the body hair of their forebears, though it is a common cultural practice to dye, stylize, or otherwise manipulate it. Transgenic vocal systems allow them to speak as humans do.


  • Cost: 1 MP • Avail: 50

  • WT: 6 • DUR: 30 • DR: 45
  • Insight 0, Moxie 2, Vigor 1, Flex 0

  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/12
  • Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Enhanced Smell, Mesh Inserts, Prehensile Feet
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1) Non-Human Biochemistry (Level 1)


This morph is derived from fossilized Neanderthal DNA, uplifted and enhanced to transhuman equivalence. Neanderthal morphs appear muscular with a heavy bone structure, distinctively long skulls, heavy brow ridges, and weak chins. Pale complexions and red hair are common features.


  • Cost: 2 MP • Avail: 35

  • WT: 7 • DUR: 35 • DR: 53
  • Insight 0, Moxie 1, Vigor 2, Flex 1

  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/20
  • Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Mesh Inserts
  • Morph Traits: Non-Human Biochemistry (Level 1)


Neo-gorillas benefit from enhanced cognition and upright stances like other neo-hominids, though they are not as adept at climbing. They stand roughly as tall as humans and have stronger and larger frames.


  • Cost: 3 MP • Avail: 40

  • WT: 9 • DUR: 45 • DR: 68
  • Insight 0, Moxie 0, Vigor 3, Flex 1

  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/12
  • Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Enhanced Smell, Mesh Inserts, Prehensile Feet
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1), Non-Human Biochemistry (Level 1)


Colloquially known as “octomorphs,” these uplifted octopus sleeves are quite useful in zero-gravity environments. They retain eight arms, their chameleon ability to change skin color, ink sacs, and a sharp beak. They also have increased brain mass and longevity, can breathe both air and water, and lack a skeletal structure so they can squeeze through tight spaces. Octomorphs typically crawl along in zero gravity using their arm suckers and expelling air for propulsion; in low gravity they walk on two of their arms. Their eyes have been enhanced with color vision, provide a 360-degree field of vision, and rotationally adjust to keep the slitshaped pupil aligned with “up.” A transgenic vocal system allows them to speak.


  • Cost: 3 MP • Avail: 35

  • WT: 6 • DUR: 30 • DR: 45
  • Insight 1, Moxie 1, Vigor 1, Flex 2

  • Movement Rate: Swim 4/20, Thrust Vector (Gas Jet) 4/12, Walker 2/8
  • Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Biomods, Chameleon Skin, Cortical Stack, Gills, Mesh Inserts, Polarization Vision
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 3), Limberness (Level 2), Non-Human Biochemistry (Level 2)
  • Notes: 8 prehensile arms, Beak Attack (DV 1d10), Ink Attack (use Athletics, blinding, 5-meter uniform area-effect in water and micrograv)


Neo-orangutans have the same uplifted features as their neo-hominid cousins. Compared to humans, their legs are shorter and arms longer. Neo-orangutans tend to be more solitary than social.


  • Cost: 3 MP • Avail: 35

  • WT: 7 • DUR: 35 • DR: 53
  • Insight 1, Moxie 1, Vigor 2, Flex 0

  • Movement Rate: Walker 4/12
  • Ware: Biomods, Cortical Stack, Enhanced Smell, Mesh Inserts, Prehensile Feet
  • Morph Traits: Exotic Morphology (Level 1), Limberness (Level 1), Non-Human Biochemistry (Level 1)
  • Notes: Reach (+10)