Sensory Augmentations

This ware improves your morph’s sensory capabilities.

360° VisionBCHMin/1See in all directions at once.
Anti-GlareCHMin/1No glare penalties.
Chem SnifferCHMod/2Detect gases, explosives, firearms, toxins. Know: Chemistry 60.
Direction SenseBCHMin/1Innate sense of direction and distance. +10 navigation-based Survival Tests.
Electrical SenseCHMin/1Sense electrical fields within 5 m.
Enhanced HearingBCHMin/1Hear higher and lower frequencies. +10 hearing-based Perceive.
Enhanced SmellBCHMin/1+10 smell-based Perceive, +10 Kinesics with biomorphs point-blank.
Enhanced VisionBCHMod/2Tetrachromatic vision, wider frequency range, better focus. +10 vision Perceive.
LidarHMin/1Use reflected laser light to image and judge range and speed.
Nanoscopic VisionHMod/2View nanoscale objects and nanobots.
OraclesCHMMod/2+10 Perceive, negate distraction modifiers.
Polarization VisionBCHMin/1See polarized light, ignore camo modifiers.
RadarHMin/1Motion detector, can also judge size and composition.
Radiation SenseCHMin/1Detect radiation sources.
SonarBCHMin/1Sonar, range 20 m air/100 m water.
T-Ray EmitterCHMin/1Use enhanced vision to see through materials.

360° Vision: The morph’s eyes/visual sensors are situated for a 360-degree field of vision.

Anti-Glare: This mod eliminates penalties for glare. If you have enhanced vision, this works for all wavelengths you can perceive.

Chem Sniffer: This sensor detects molecules in the air and analyzes their chemical composition, using Know: Chemistry 60. It can determine the presence of explosives, firearms, and gases — including toxins and other fumes.

Direction Sense: You acquire an innate sense of direction and distance using advanced inertial navigation. You can identify north, spinward, etc., keep track of that direction, and know approximately how far you’ve come. You receive a +10 modifier to navigation-based Survival Tests and other skills for figuring out complex directions, reading maps, remembering routes, and retracing paths you’ve taken. Since it is trivial to use the mesh for positioning, this augmentation is primarily used by gatecrashers.

Electrical Sense: You can sense electric fields. Within 5 meters, you can tell if a device is on or off and can detect the precise location of electrical wiring and power supplies behind a wall or inside a device.

Enhanced Hearing: The morph’s ears can hear both higher and lower frequency sounds — the range of sounds they can hear is twice that of normal human ears (Senses and Sensors). Your hearing is also more sensitive, allowing you to hear sounds as if you are 5 times closer. Apply a +10 to hearing-based Perceive Tests.

Enhanced Smell: The morph’s sense of smell is equal to that of a bloodhound. You can identify both chemicals and individuals by smell and can track people and chemically reactive objects by odor as long as the trail was made within the last several hours and has not been obscured. Apply a +10 to smell-based Perceive Tests. You can also gain a general sense of the emotions and health of biological characters within point-blank range (+10 to Kinesics Tests).

Enhanced Vision: The morph’s eyes have tetrachromatic vision capable of exceptional color differentiation. These eyes can also see the electromagnetic spectrum from terahertz wave frequencies to gamma rays, enabling them to see a total of several dozen colors, instead of the seven ordinary human eyes can perceive (Senses and Sensors). In addition, these eyes have a variable focus equivalent to 5 power magnifiers or binoculars. You can also selectively filter what frequencies you perceive to avoid minor distractions on those wavelengths. This augmentation provides a +10 modifier to all Perceive Tests involving vision.

Lidar: This sensor scans the area with laser light and measures the reflections to judge range, speed, and image the target (Senses and Sensors). Lidar lasers are visible to enhanced vision, and are considered rude to continually emit in certain company.

Nanoscopic Vision: The shell’s visual sensors can focus like a microscope, using advanced superlens techniques to beat the optical diffraction limit and image objects as small as a nanometer. This allows the character to view and analyze objects as small as blood cells and even individual nanobots. The synthmorph must stay steady to view objects at this scale, and the range is quite limited (less than a meter).

Oracles: This neural macrosensing processor helps you pay attention to sensory input you are not focusing on, alerting you to important things you might otherwise overlook. Oracles provide a +10 bonus to Perceive and negate the distraction modifier for Perceive Tests.

Polarization Vision: You can perceive polarized light, which reveals characteristics such as contrast and patterns. This allows you to negate modifiers for camouflage (such as from chameleon skin or smart clothes).

Radar: This sensor system bounces radio or microwaves off targets and measures the reflected waves to judge size, composition, and motion (Senses and Sensors).

Radiation Sense: You can sense the presence and approximate source of all forms of dangerous radiation, including neutrons, charged particles, and cosmic rays.

Sonar: You possess echolocation like a bat or dolphin. You bounce ultrasonic pulses off your surroundings and measure the echoes to build an image of the environment (Senses and Sensors). This augmentation works in both air and water, out to a range of 20 (air) or 100 (water) meters.

T-Ray Emitter: Mounted under the skin of the user’s forehead, this implant generates low-powered beams of terahertz radiation (t-rays). Characters with enhanced vision can use reflected t-rays to see effectively see through walls and other materials (Senses and Sensors). This implant allows the user to see using reflected t-rays for 20 meters in a normal atmosphere and for 100 meters in vacuum.