
Not everyone or everything is built the same. Most morphs are medium- sized, the default size assumed for rules purposes. Apply the following rules for morphs, shells, creatures, and gear of other sizes:

Very Small Size

No morphs exist at this size; there is not enough room for a (cyber)brain (unless distributed like a swarmanoid). Very small bots/creatures/gear items can fit in a pocket and use the following rules:

  • They are difficult to hit and spot (−30).
  • They inflict a maximum of DV 1 in melee.
  • They cannot use medium-size (or larger) gear and suffer −20 when using small gear.
  • They suffer −30 on strength-based SOM Checks.
  • They suffer half damage from falls and inflict half damage in collisions.

Small Size

Small morphs/creatures/shells/gear items range between the size of a cat and a human child:

  • They are challenging to hit and spot (−10).
  • They have a Reach advantage against very-small-size targets.
  • They inflict half damage in melee.
  • They suffer −20 when using medium-sized gear or two-handed weapons not modified for their size.
  • They suffer −10 on strength-based SOM Checks.

Large Size

Large morphs/creatures/shells/gear items outsize normal transhumans, ranging between the size of a small car to a neo-orca. They often have trouble finding gear manufactured for their size and may have difficulty navigating the confines of cramped habitats:

  • They are easier to hit and spot (+10).
  • They have a Reach advantage against medium-sized targets; double this against small sizes and triple against very small sizes.
  • They inflict +1d10 DV in melee and can wield two-handed weapons in one hand.
  • They suffer −20 when using non-integrated very small/small-sized gear not modified for their size, unless they possess fine manipulators.
  • They receive a +10 modifier to strength-based SOM Checks.
  • Due to their mass, they suffer double damage from falls and inflict double damage in collisions.

Very Large Size

Very large morphs/creatures/shells are bigger than many vehicles, ranging from limousine to barn-sized. Very little gear is made to fit their size and they do not fit within many habitats.

  • They are easier to hit and spot (+30).
  • They have a Reach advantage against large-sized targets; double this against medium sizes and triple against small and very small sizes.
  • They inflict +2d10 DV in melee and can wield two-handed weapons in one hand.
  • They suffer −20 when using large-sized gear not modified for their size and cannot use non-integrated small-sized gear, unless they possess fine manipulators.
  • They receive a +30 modifier to strength-based SOM Checks.
  • Due to their mass, they suffer triple damage from falls and inflict triple damage in collisions.