Step 14: Story Event (Optional)

Story events are background elements that do not have a game effect on your character, but are included for potential roleplaying and plot purposes. Some of the results on the earlier event tables may have instructed you to roll on this table.

As a final step, you may roll on the Story Event table to determine a recent event in your character’s life.

This may help define what your character is doing or concerned with at the beginning of gameplay. It may also be used to tie your character to the other player characters in the game.

14.0 Story Event [d100]

00–01After a long stretch of bad, you hit bottom. No way left to go but up.
02You participate as a test subject in a research project. You suffer no ill effects … that you can tell.
03–04You leak confidential information to a journalist or the mesh at large.
05You hear from an unknown source that Oversight has taken an interest in your affairs.
06You have an unfortunate run-in with Jovian Republic troops, but manage to extricate yourself.
07After years, you finally get a chance to inflict revenge on someone. Do you take it or walk away?
08You survive a major disaster, such as a habitat failure, ship collision, terrorist attack, or a freak but deadly accident.
09Circumstances force you to move from one end of the Solar System to the other.
10Your habitat goes through a regime change. Which side are you on?
11You are falsely accused of a crime but then cleared.
12–13You develop a long-term rival. The relationship is complex and non-dangerous, but it does occasionally interfere or consume your attention.
14You develop a long-term life-partner relationship.
15You suffer through the failure of a major long-term relationship.
16You enter into a convenience-based, contract-defined, romantic relationship.
17You develop an ongoing polyamorous relationship with a group of friends.
18You are pursued by an irritating but (mostly) harmless suitor/stalker.
19You are recruited to secretly help some faction. Randomly determine that faction from the Faction table.
20You are re-united with a lover/relative/friend thought lost during the Fall or previous conflicts.
21Political upheaval in your local habitat/polity throws your life into turmoil.
22You are the only survivor of a deadly accident on board a ship or small hab, which raises some suspicion …
23Your life has been blissfully serene and untroubled. Your friends may secretly resent you.
24You find out that one or both of your parents weren’t really your parents.
25You pursue a period of self-isolation and introspection.
26You catch an authority figure doing something illicit, but you don’t have the means to prove it.
27You take a sabbatical with the Solarians, Ringers, or other space-faring clade.
28You have an affair.
29You are privileged enough to meet a Factor.
30You discover an unknown and intriguing or devastating secret about your family’s past.
31An unfortunate accident leaves you stuck in a healing vat for a couple of weeks.
32While traveling by spacecraft, a malfunction takes you months off course.
33You use someone to get ahead.
34Someone uses you to get ahead.
35You unexpectedly make a close friend with someone from a rival or even hostile faction.
36You have a falling out with a formerly close friend.
37You are forced into a thankless position of heavy responsibility.
38Facing unwanted responsibilities, you pack up and move on.
39You are persecuted for your nature or beliefs.
40You finalize a particularly good research paper, work of art, commercial enterprise, or similar achievement.
41Someone close to you opts for a real, final death.
42You discover a new subculture to embed yourself in.
43You befriend a brinker with some interesting ideas and unbelievable stories. Well, almost unbelievable.
44You find repeat evidence that someone has you under close surveillance — but why?
45You are fairly certain that your new friend is secretly a singularity seeker.
46–47You come across an interesting surveillance blind-spot in your local habitat.
48–49A string of disappearances in your habitat has everyone on edge.
50–51A friend discovers disturbing information about a powerful entity, and they are considering blowing the whistle.
52You don’t have what it takes, and your current job/prospect ends in a washout.
53–54Your inquisitive nature leads you to discover a secret that could get you into trouble.
55You receive a wake-up call that challenges your current priorities.
56Your current job/pursuits take you somewhere dangerous.
57A friend reveals a terrible secret to you.
58–59You become estranged from a parent or other family member.
60You finally get recognition for something you deserve.
61–62You experiment with your sexuality.
63A friend or relative goes missing under mysterious circumstances.
64You throw your hat in the ring for an important position but do not get it.
65Someone you respect shows their true colors, and they aren’t pretty.
66–67Everything is going great, but you still somehow manage to fuck up something major in your life.
68You fall victim to disinformation or a scam.
69Your hard work and contributions are overlooked.
70You are the victim of a crime, but the perpetrator is caught.
71A sibling or friend relies on you for support until they get back on their feet.
72You get fired or kicked out. You start over somewhere new.
73You spend years (from your perspective) inside a time-accelerated VR simulspace.
74You go through a long period of stagnation.
75Your local living conditions become increasingly threatening in some way.
76–77You test out life with multiple forks active at once, with mixed results.
78You receive an unexpected gift.
79You find out someone close to you has been living a double life.
80–81You lose yourself in the hedonism of a scum warm for several months.
82Through no fault of your own, you let a lot of people down.
83You have a major disagreement with a sub-group within your faction.
84You are witness to (but not an active participant in) a historical event of some kind.
85–86You modify your personality with psychosurgery, but revert the process a short period later.
87You ditch your friend group and start over with new friends.
88You go out of your way to help someone out, but they don’t really acknowledge it or reciprocate.
89You change your opinion on a major political stance.
90You acquire a new pet.
91–92You switch your gender identity.
93–94Somone you looked up to does something that shatters your respect for them.
95–96You cross paths with an influential oligarch.
97You have a near-death experience.
98You are influenced by an async’s sleight, but you may not know exactly what that is or how, nor can you prove anything.
99You are forced to interact with a faction you normally would have nothing to do with.