The Iktomi

Of the dead civilizations that transhumanity has stumbled upon on various exoplanets, the Iktomi were most recent and similar to ours. They had equivalent if not superior technology and made use of the pandora gates. Evidence of their presence has been found in the Droplet, Echo, Haplopelma, and Sunrise systems, among others. Some ruins are as little as 10,000 years old.

While no Iktomi specimens or remains have been found, pictographs, architectural features, and relics suggest these aliens had a segmented, multi-legged, arthropod-type form. They are also known to favor web-like structures with tall spires and cabled pathways — thus their given name, after a Native American spider god. They are also suspected of having built large sculptures on several worlds known as windharps, due to the haunting sound they create as wind passes through them.

What is clear is that the Iktomi suffered through some sort of cataclysmic event that wiped out their civilization. The nature of this event has yet to be determined, but it raises concerns for many researchers. Having suffered through its own near-apocalypse, it is not comforting for transhumanity to find evidence that other alien species did not.

Dream Shells

Thousands of these alien devices have been found in Iktomi ruins. They resemble scallop shells 8 centimeters across. A dense crystalline structure suggests artificial design and purpose, but they contain no identifiable electronics or power sources and emit no detected electromagnetic radiation. They are known, however, to have a strange, reproducible effect: biomorphs sleeping within 2 meters of one experience vivid, unsettling dreams. These dreams frequently feature odd characters and alien landscapes, but experiments have yet to identify the nature or purpose of this influence. Gatekeeper has sold hundreds of these to the public, on the condition that any discoveries are reported to them first.

Iktomi Kumobot

  • Tech, Medium Size
  • Threat Level: Red
  • Niche: Droplet, Echo, Haplopelma, Sunrise, other Iktomi-visited exoplanets
  • Numbers: 1–8

Despite their advanced age, some Iktomi ruins are guarded by still-functioning guardian robots, dubbed “kumobots.” Like their creators, kumobots have a spider-like form, with six radially symmetric legs and a smaller pair of manipulative arms/claws. As a protective measure, the head retracts into the body and the legs can be pulled in to act as a protective shield. The kumobot’s shape-changing features enable it to further roll into a ball shape for high-speed movement. Curiously, the legs are also detachable, suggesting that perhaps Iktomi biology functioned the same.

Motivation: +Defend Territory +Iktomi Interests

Use: The exact purpose of kumobots is unclear, aside from protecting Iktomi locations and technology. Due to their great age, there is a chance that kumobots may be partially disabled, erratic in their behavior, or otherwise malfunctioning.

Iktomi Kumobot

  • Stress Test: SV 1d6

  • Initiative: 6 • Fray: 50 • AV: 28/18, offensive armor, self-healing
  • WT: 14 • DUR: 70 • DR: 140
  • Threat Pool: 4

  • Adjustable Laser Pulser: 60, DV 2d10 + 2, SA/BF/FA, Range 50, Ammo 30, may increase damage +1d10 DV per shot by consuming 1 extra ammo, to a maximum of +5d10 DV
  • Claw: 60, DV 4d6 + 3
  • Leg Spike: 70, DV 3d10 + 4, armor-piercing

  • Perceive: 40, 50 hearing/vision
  • Move: Roller (Fast 8/32), Walker (Medium 4/20)

  • COG: 15 45INT: 10 30REF: 20 60SAV:15SOM: 20 60WIL: 10 30
  • Skills: Athletics 50 (60), Free Fall 50, Guns 60, Hardware: Electronics 50, Infiltrate 50, Infosec 60, Interface 50, Know: Music 40, Melee 60 (Leg Spike 70)

  • Ware: Cyberbrain, Electrical Sense, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Fixer Hive, Magnetic System, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Pneumatics, Radar, Radiation Sense, Shape Adjusting, Structural Enhancement, Utilimod

  • Alien Code: Due to their alien software, kumobots may not be hacked
  • Limb Detachment: Individual limbs may be detached with a quick action
  • Notes: Some have the Mental Disorder or Neural Damage traits