TITAN Machines & Minions

The TITANs deployed numerous minions and deadly machines during the Fall, many of which remain and are still hostile.


  • Threat Level: Ultraviolet
  • Niche: Earth, Quarantine Zones, TITAN artifacts
  • Numbers: 1

Fetches are the software agents of the TITANs. Each is a fork of a TITAN ASI, though lobotomized by comparison, trimmed down to the bare necessities to maneuver among transhuman mesh networks and morphs. Though hyper-intelligent, fetches are prone to erratic behavior, either from the pruning process, distance from their parent mind, or exsurgent infection.

Motivation: +TITAN Interests. Most were deployed to manage long-term projects that required direct oversight, but were too unimportant or dangerous for a TITAN to attend to personally. Some function far beyond their operational parameters.

Use: Fetches are clever, forward-thinking, and devious foes — if sometimes unstable. They make their home in advanced servers or enhanced-intelligence morphs, fielding minion AIs, puppets, and machines to serve their purposes.


  • Stress Test: SV 1d6

  • Initiative: 10 • Fray: 60 • AV: 10 (mesh armor)
  • WT: 20 • DUR: 100 • DR: 200
  • Insight: 10, Moxie: 5, Vigor: 1, Flex: 5

  • Mesh Attack: 100, DV 4d10

  • Perceive: 60 (70)

  • COG: 30 90INT: 30 90REF: 20 60SAV: 30 90SOM: 20 60WIL: 30 90
  • Skills: Deceive 80, Infosec 100, Interface 100, Kinesics 80, Know (Choose Five): 100, Persuade 60, Program 80, Research 80, plus any other skills appropriate to their mission at 80

  • Ware: App Lock, Auto-Erase, Drone Rig, Endocrine Control, Energy Efficiency, Enhanced Security, E-Veil, Mind Amp, Mnemonics, MultiTasking, Oracles, Skillware, Persistence
  • Apps: Any necessary
  • Traits: Digital Speed, Edited Memories

  • Exsurgent Infection: Fetches carry the digital exsurgent virus and will attempt to infect digital mind-states
  • Note: Stats given are for a fetch infomorph. If sleeved, fetches prefer mentons, savant, or similar high-Insight morphs. Due to their advanced intellect, fetches carry 3 Insight and 3 Flex pool to any morph they inhabit.


  • TITAN, Medium Size
  • Threat Level: Ultraviolet
  • Niche: Active TITAN Sites, Earth, Quarantine Zones
  • Numbers: 1–2

Fractals are “bush robots:” conglomerations of jointed, metallic, fractal branches, surrounded by a shimmering haze of active nanotech. Innocuous appearances aside, they are dangerous adversaries, as they are advanced mobile disassembly and nanofabrication machines. Using trillions of nanomanipulators, fractals can dismantle anything they touch and fab armaments and gear at incredible speeds. They are surprisingly hardy: projectiles are broken down and absorbed, severed branches are rapidly reconstructed, and seemingly destroyed fractals rebuild.

Motivation: +Defend Territory +TITAN Interests −Transhumanity. Lacking direct orders, fractals lie dormant, driving off intruders as necessary. They are known to construct unusual devices and formations, though whether these are art or high-tech installations is debatable.

Use: Fractals can and will fab whatever gear they need, given time, including other fractals. They are smart opponents, hiding and tracking their prey, testing capabilities, building traps, and withdrawing when necessary, only to return with the gear necessary to finish them off.


  • Stress Test: SV 1d6

  • Initiative: 10 • Fray: 40 • AV: 0/0 to 15/15
  • WT: 10 • DUR: 50 • DR: 100
  • Insight: 3, Moxie: 0, Vigor: 3, Flex: 5

  • Bush Blades: 60, DV 2d10 + 5, armor-piercing
  • Disassembly: 80, DV 1d10, touch attack, armor protects but AV is reduced
  • Shredder: 50, DV 2d10 + 6, SA/BF/FA, Ammo unlimited, Range 25, cone area effect

  • Perceive: 60, 70 vision
  • Move: Roller (Fast 8/32), Thrust Vector (Gas Jet, Slow 4/12), may create others

  • COG: 30 90INT: 30 90REF: 20 60SAV: 10 30SOM: 25 75WIL: 30 90
  • Skills: Athletics 50, Free Fall 40, Guns 50, Infiltrate 60 (70/90), Infosec 60, Interface 50, Melee 60, Program 60 (Nanofabrication 70), Research 40, Survival 50

  • Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Chameleon Skin, Chem Sniffer, Cyberbrain, Electrical Sense, Enhanced Security, Enhanced Vision, Fractal Digits, Grip Pads, Lidar, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Nanoscopic Vision, Radar, others as needed

  • Exsurgent Infection: Fractals are often infected with the exsurgent virus and carry or nanofabricate nanoplagues
  • Feign Destruction: Fractals are programmed to “Fall apart” when accumulated damage nears their Death Rating, dissolving into numerous nanoswarms that rebuild the fractal
  • Invulnerability: Area-effect weapons do half-damage to fractals; all others do minimum damage
  • Nanofabrication: Fractals may be equipped with or fabricate any enhancements, gear, armor, or weapons the GM desires to present an appropriate threat to the PCs. Reduce all nanofabrication times by half. They may also mimic the effects of any existing nanoswarm or TITAN Nanoviruses.
  • Regeneration: Fractals repair 1d10 damage per half hour; after all damage is fixed, they repair 1 wound per hour


  • TITAN, Small Size
  • Threat Level: Orange
  • Niche: Earth, Quarantine Zones
  • Numbers: 6–12

These insectoid machines are designed to grasp onto a victim’s skull, saw through the neck, and remove the head for forced uploading at a specialized facility. The TITANs deployed them in massive swarms in cities during the Fall.

Motivation: +Collect Egos +TITAN Interests −Transhumanity

Use: Headhunters attack in groups; once a head is harvested, that headhunter withdraws from the fight and deposits its prize at a (former) uploading station.


  • Stress Test: SV 1d6

  • Initiative: 8 • Fray: 70 • AV: 8/8
  • WT: 9 • DUR: 45 • DR: 90
  • Threat Pool: 3

  • Behead: 65, DV 1d10 + 6, grappled targets only (no defense), armorpiercing; called shot, on superior success and wound scored, target is decapitated and immediately killed
  • Buzzsaw: 75, DV 1d10 + 6, armor-piercing
  • Grappling: 65 (Grappling), requires superior success, grappled targets may not oppose buzzsaw/behead attacks on subsequent turns

  • Perceive: 50, 60 vision
  • Move: Rotor/Winged (Fast 8/32)

  • COG: 15 45INT: 20 60REF: 20 60SAV:15SOM: 15 45WIL: 15 45
  • Skills: Athletics 50 (Flight 60), Guns 50, Infiltrate 70, Melee 65 (Buzzsaw 75), Survival 40

  • Ware: Cyberbrain, Enhanced Security, Enhanced Vision, Lidar, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock, T-Ray Emitter

  • Note: Many variants of headhunters exist, GMs should adjust weaponry and stats as they see fit
  • Seeker Variant: Carries a single-use HEAP seeker minimissile; 65, DV 4d10 + 12, Range 150, armor-piercing, knockdown, no close; may fabricate a new missile in 30 minutes


  • TITAN, Medium Size
  • Threat Level: Yellow
  • Niche: Earth, Quarantine Zones, Transhuman Habitats
  • Numbers: 1–8

Puppets are transhumans whose minds were subverted by the TITANs. They are distinct from exsurgents in that they are not infected and are typically under direct TITAN (or fetch) control. Most puppets possess hacked cyberbrains; some were created through illicit psychosurgery. During the Fall, they infiltrated all walks of transhuman life, inflicting devastating deception and treachery, and some sleeper agents still remain.

Motivation: +Infiltrate +TITAN Interests −Transhumanity

Use: Some puppets were targets of opportunity, others were created to facilitate specific tasks or objectives, sometimes years in advance. They are used to undermine defenses, transport TITAN nanoswarms, infect air-gapped networks, inflict basilisk hacks, or even as suicide bombers. Many of them do not even realize they have been subverted, due to awareness block psychosurgery.


  • Stress Test: SV 1d6 (betrayal)

  • Initiative: 6 • Fray: 40 • AV: 6/4 synth frame
  • WT: 8 • DUR: 40 • DR: 80
  • Threat Pool: 2

  • Grapple: 50 (Grappling), requires superior success, on next action puppet can use its action to maintain the grapple to also either plug in a disabler or a direct fiberoptic link to initiate a mindware hack
  • Mindware Hack: 60 (Mindware Hacking)
  • Shock Baton: 40, DV 1d10, reach, shock

  • Perceive: 40, 50 hearing/vision
  • Move: Walker (Medium 4/20)

  • COG: 20 60INT: 15 45REF: 15 45SAV: 20 60SOM: 15 45WIL: 15 45
  • Skills: Athletics 30, Deceive 60, Free Fall 40, Guns 40, Hardware: Industrial 60, Hardware: Robotics 60, Infiltrate 50, Infosec 60, Interface 40, Melee 40 (Grappling 50), Program 40

  • Ware: Access Jacks, Cyberbrain, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Puppet Sock, Skillware; others as necessary for mission
  • Gear: Cleaner Nanoswarm, Covert Ops Tool, Disabler, Disassembler Swarm, Encryption App, Exploit App, Hardware: Industrial Tools, Sniffer App, Spy Nanoswarm, Utilitool; others as necessary for mission
  • Traits: Edited Memories; many have the Enhanced Behavior or Restricted Behavior traits

  • Basilisk Hack: Some are equipped with basilisk hacks which they deploy by hacking AR feeds
  • Note: Stats listed are for a technician in a synth morph; adjust as appropriate for different morphs and skills. Many sleepers are modified with awareness block psychosurgery.

Self-Replicating Nanoswarm

  • Threat Level: Ultraviolet
  • Niche: Earth, Quarantine Zones
  • Numbers: 1 swarm

TITAN nanoswarms are generations ahead of transhuman nanotechnology. They are autonomous, sapient, and self-replicating. They can modify themselves to perform any nanoswarm function and can nanofabricate almost anything with time and feedstock. They can also link together into a physical lattice in order to create large-scale physical forms and mechanisms. Self-replicators are almost impossible to entirely destroy with anything short of antimatter weaponry; if even a few nanobots survive, the entire swarm can rebuild and adapt accordingly.

Motivation: +TITAN Interests. Without direction, most nanoswarms stick to the locations of their last deployment, occasionally migrating to “feed” on new matter. Some occupy themselves with building arcane structures that may be art, whimsically transforming the landscape, or floating as clouds and altering atmospheric properties and weather patterns.

Use: A TITAN nanoswarm is a WMD, area-denial weapon, cyberwarfare suite, plague, and weapons factory all rolled into one. They can just as easily camouflage themselves, quietly dissembling anything that enters the death zone, as they can construct artillery and launch precision bombardment kilometers away. They will scan opponents to develop effective weapons and defenses.

Self-Replicating Nanoswarm

  • Stress Test: SV 1d6

  • Initiative: 8 • Fray: 40 • AV: 0/0
  • WT: — • DUR: 70 • DR: 140
  • Insight: 6, Moxie: 0, Vigor: 4, Flex: 3

  • Disassembly: DV 1d6 per action turn to anything within swarm; armor protects but AV is reduced
  • Fuel-Air Explosive: The nanoswarm creates tiny floating bubbles filled with fuel, disperses uniformly over an area, and ignites it. DV 3d10 +5, uniform area effect (10 meters), armor-piercing, knockdown. Fabbing a new FAE takes 12 hours.
  • Snare and Stab: 60 (Grappling); the swarm locks together into entangling snare lines with gripping teeth, requires a superior success. Grappled victims get no defense to piercing needles that spurt on subsequent turns; DV 1d10, armor does not apply.

  • Perceive: 50, 60 hearing/vision
  • Move: Walker/Microlight (Slow 4/12), may construct others

  • COG: 25 75INT: 20 60REF: 20 60SAV:15SOM: 15 45WIL: 15 45
  • Skills: Free Fall 50, Infiltrate 80, Melee 50 (Grappling 60), Program 80, any Technical or Know skill they need at 40+

  • Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Chem Sniffer, Electrical Sense, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Fractal Digits, Nanoscopic Vision, Radar, Radiation Sense, T-Ray Emitter, others as needed

  • Nanoswarm: Functions like a nanoswarm, except can move normally in vacuum and does not require a nanohive
  • Nanofabrication: Can nanofabricate items in half the time as transhuman nanofabricators; can replicate effects of any nanoswarm at will
  • Self-Repair: Automatically repair 1d10 damage per hour
  • Take Form: Can cohere/dissipate simple physical/mechanical forms (arms, mobility systems, tentacles, cages, traps, etc) with a complex action; these may take physical actions such as Fray or Melee Tests


  • TITAN, Very Large Size
  • Threat Level: Red
  • Niche: Earth, Quarantine Zones
  • Numbers: 1–4

These massive, armored tanks are a TITAN advancement on transhuman mecha designs. Though many varieties exist, the most common are bipedal with four arms, a pair of tentacle manipulators, and a vast array of weapon systems capable of independent targeting.

Motivation: +Destroy Opposition +TITAN Interests −Transhumanity

Use: Warbots are designed to blow things up, and they are good at it.


  • Stress Test: SV 1d10

  • Initiative: 7 • Fray: 50 • AV: 20/20
  • WT: 16 • DUR: 80 • DR: 160
  • Threat Pool: 6

  • Claws: 50, DV 3d10 + 6, reach (+10)
  • Laser Pulser Cannon: 60, DV 4d10 + 4, SA/BF, Range 300, Ammo 200, fixed
  • Railgun Machine Gun: 60, DV 3d10 + 2, BF/FA, Ammo 500, armor-piercing, fixed
  • Seeker Launcher: 60, DV 6d10 + 24, SS, Ammo 20, Range 300, armor-piercing, fixed, homing (+10 aimed/previous targets), knockdown, no close
  • Stomp: 50, DV 5d10, reach (+20)
  • Tentacles: 50, DV 3d10, reach (+20)
  • Tentacle Grapple: 50 (Grappling), reach (+20), requires superior success, grappled victims get no defense to subsequent attacks
  • Torch: 60, DV 4d10, SS, Range 25, Ammo 100, cone area effect, fixed

  • Perceive: 50, 60 vision
  • Move: Walker (Medium 4/20)

  • COG: 15 45INT: 15 45REF: 20 60SAV:15SOM: 20 60WIL: 15 45
  • Skills: Athletics 50 (60), Guns 60, Infiltrate 40 (50/70), Infosec 60, Melee 50

  • Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Anti-Glare, Cyberbrain, Chameleon Skin, Chem Sniffer, Electrical Sense, Enhanced Security, Enhanced Vision, Lidar, Magnetic System, Mesh Inserts, Mnemonics, Pneumatics, Puppet Sock, Radar, T-Ray Emitter
  • Gear: 10 splash grenades with various nanoswarms

  • Notes: Other common weapon systems include plasma rifles, particle beam bolters, and buzzers (with disassembler swarms)
  • Shockwave Shield: Warbots can calculate the impact point of an explosive projectile or shockwave and create a temporary superheated pocket of air with a laser-generated electric arc that will absorb the blast. This provides 20 points of energy armor against blast effects, including seekers and grenades. This is only effective against attacks the warbot has spotted, and may only be used against one attack per action turn. This shockwave shield has 20 uses before it must be recharged, which takes 2 hours.