Final Touches

This is good time to look back at your character’s background, career, interests, skills, traits, motivations, and other defining points. These tell a story — you just need to fill in the remaining details. What did they think of their childhood? Do they still have ties from there? How did they move from such origins to the career and faction they are part of? How did they acquire those skills and motivations? What do their rep scores and traits say about them? How did they get their current morph? Is it their original? If not, what happened to their first body? Did they survive the Fall? What have they done in the decade since?

These questions will help you build a defining picture of your character. Not everything about your character needs to be filled out, of course — it’s OK to leave a few blanks that you can fill in later. Assembling the points you have deduced so far will help you to present your character as a whole, unique individual, however, rather than just a blank template.

As a final step, take a few minutes to pick out some specific identifying features and personality quirks that will help you define the character to others. This could be a way of talking, a strongly projected attitude, a catchphrase they use frequently, a unique look or style of dress, a repetitive behavior, an annoying mannerism, or anything similar. Such idiosyncrasies give something that other players can latch onto, spurring roleplaying opportunities.

Point-buy Character Creation

The package-buy character creation system in this book is designed to make your choices easier and speed along the process. If you prefer to fine-tune your character’s skills, you can skip Steps 1–4 and simply pick the skills you want. In this case, you receive 400 points to spend on active skills and 250 points to spend on Know skills. You may spend some of your active skill points on Know skills instead, but you may not use Know skill points to buy active skills. The other steps of the character-creation process are completed as written. Your skill points are combined with their linked aptitudes in Step 6 as normal; no starting skill total may exceed 80.